Sunday, 9 March 2008

Wascaly Wabbits

Some years ago now a colleague of my husband's had a white rabbit, a doe. She liked to go a wandering and in her travels she must have met a wild (read feral) rabbit because next thing she produced a litter of little grey bunnies. We adopted one of these little guys and unsure of whether it was he or she we named it Sam (Samuel or Samantha).

Sam was eventually proven to be a boy and we kept him for about 18 months. Like his Mum before him, he had the wanderlust. One day he went for a walk and didn't come back. Sam was the original and he was wonderful and I could tell you much, much more but we're here for Anzac.

I wanted to replace Sam pretty quickly, the kids were just little and missed him dreadfully. I took no.1 son with me to have a squizz at some rabbits advertised in the local paper and he picked Anzac. Zakky, as he is known, was an adorable 6 week old bundle of fluff.

He has turned out to be a bit of a disappointment (in the nicest possible way). After a few months we thought it would be nice for him to have some company and got Jet. Jet will groom Anzac for hours but when it's Anzac's turn.....well, a couple of licks will do. He doesn't want to be cuddled anymore and I had to have him neutered because he loved to spray.

When he goes for a walk he will lie on the grass oh so casually and I think an eagle could swoop and carry him off before he knew what was happening. Lucky for him suburban Sydney is a bit short of eagles.

One time he was lying very, very still and for quite a long time. Concerned that he might be sick and with a long weekend approaching I was worried enough to take him to the vet. He proved me silly because I walked in with a very exhausted and lethargic rabbit who immediately came to life. We eventually decided that a bout of manic hole digging had tired him out and he just needed a little trip in the car to make him feel better.

The things we do, eh?


  1. Rabbits are so cute and soft. I love their fur. I haven't know them to have much personality. Am I wrong? I helped my sister raise some one summer when I was 13, but other than that I haven't had much contact with them.

  2. Not much personality?! Cecile. What am I going to do with that girl?

    Well, you and I know they're loaded with it. I say have them spay or neutered early. I was so sorry to hear you lost wonderful rabbits because they weren't. Jet sounds like such a gem and Anzac, a handful! I didn't know rabbits sprayed. Wow. Do you think you've waited too long to have him neutered and he'll always spray? That's a possibility, you know.

    Keep me informed and send photos via email or blogger land. After helping raise Rugby with Renee and Charlie in LA, I have a very special place in my heart for rabbits.

    I'll add one more thing. I love animals and each has such a unique personality, just like a person. Many people don't take the time to notice, but if they did, they'd be surprised how similar we all are. I know you know that.

    I love you and thank you for this post. It's wonderful.

    Kisses and hugs,
    Suze :)

  3. well, i didnt know there was a time limit on the effectiveness of neutering but i must have got to him in time because he hasnt sprayed since. i cant remeber how old he was, one maybe?
    jet was neutered when we got him and he's never shown any sign of it, but then he's generally more sociable and a gentleman.

    personality might be too strong a word for rabbits...they dont come grinning at you like a dog does but they are all different with their own little quirks. thats close to personality.

  4. He's a beauty! ;)

    Hope he brings lots of laughter and joy into the family,

    Peace and love, M

  5. wow maithri, g'day
    welcome here and come back soon, eh?

  6. So cute and fluffy - and the rabbit too.

    One thing Kylie, I can't find your email address anywhere! Maybe I'm being stoopid and not looking in the right place. So therefore, I have chosen Robyn to ask for Suze's address - sorry darl!
    Forgive me?? You can think about long-johns all you like.....
    Peter xxx

  7. Don't worry Kylie - I've found it, and the bun fight is still on!!!

  8. Suzanne,
    Hope you have recovered from your accident and there is no permanent damage.

    Just so you know, I am Kylie's Dad.
    I commend you and all her other blogger friends for the interest and encouragment you all offer her.

  9. Hello Kylie,
    What a joy to finally meet meet Anzac; I like his floppy ears. I hope that Taffy and Anzac get on well together and that Anzac brings your family happiness.

    Cheers, Mark

  10. Have just re-read my comment and noticed that the word 'meet' appears twice.
    It kinda sounds like the Roadrunner in the Warner Bros. cartoon.

  11. Dear Kylie,
    Thanks for introducing Anzac :)
    We have rabbits back in my home...6 of them..all are my 2nd brothers pets. They are so cute...
    Have a beautiful day..
    ♥ & ((hugs))

  12. Kylie,

    If you have time, go to my friend John Reynolds blog and read his most recent post. You will smile from ear to ear. Trust me.

    I love you,

  13. Kylie,
    Cuddly and fluffy,your Anzac is beautiful. All my grands would love the rabbits. In fact last summer the 11 year old had one. Along with a dog and a cat. Plus their neighbors had 3 horses. They had a great time all summer.

    Hugs and love,

  14. Attenuator,

    OH...MY...GOD!!! Have I offended you? I called you a woman. Well, I guess that would be #1! Oh sweetie, I am SO sorry. Who knew. I try my best to figure every one out and I fail often. This time, miserably! But the dictionary is half to blame. Don't you think?

    I love that you're Kylie's dad. I love her, you know. We all do. We will always be here for her and never, ever go away. We are all connected at the hip, or the head, or the chest, who knows...we're just connected!!! We are such an amazing group of men and women and we genuinely love one another. Nothing will change. Of that you can be certain.

    It is an honor to meet you and thank you for introducing yourself. I will try not to swear now that you're here! I know Kylie cringes all the time, but it's me and she accepts it. However, I will try to be a better me.

    Much love to you dear and thank you for showing up!


  15. Kylie's Dad...

    Yes, I do believe there is permanent damage! I'm dyin' here!


  16. Suzanne,
    No way am I offended. I thought the post you wrote about me being a woman was really humorous.I'd like to think it is just a bit of diversionary fun. After all you don't know where my house is!

    I worked in the technical side of Australia's telephone company. Attenuate is the opposite of amplification in electrical/electronics speak.

    For those not from New Zealand or Australia ANZAC means Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. It's a term from WW1 when they fought together. Older Australian veteran ex soldiers are still occasionally referred to as Anzacs but more commonly as Diggers.
    Happy Days!


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