Monday, 10 November 2008

thanks #10

as i sit to consider what i can be grateful for today those beautifully tender boys and irresistably joyous girls from yesterdays post are fighting around me. i just got the boys to settle to a level where i might be able to keep my sanity and the girls started up. aaaargh !!!!

the area where i work is a suburb dominated by light industry, not too pretty or inspiring and the factory i work in is a brick box dumped on a concrete carpark. the inside is possibly even worse, there are no windows, the walls are steel panels, the floors plain hospital style lino. it is necessarily sterile, sterile, sterile. and dismally so.

today i decided not to take my lunch break in the kitchen , which is almost as bad as the factory, and instead went up to the local sandwich shop. i picked a chicken, lettuce and avocado sandwich, enjoyed the lovely friendly attitude of the proprietors and wandered outside to the aluminium picnic table.

there was a cool breeze and the gum tree cast a relaxing dappled shade. there was a jacaranda in full bloom just across the road and for half an hour i sat in what was at once the ugliest and most beautiful oasis i could ever imagine. and i was thankful.


  1. While Mark is struggling to open a new container of dry cat food i thought i would comment that my favorite sandwich is the same as yours!!

  2. Oh my dear, thank you for the delightful vision of a jacaranda in bloom. No jacarandas around these parts, but UCLA had a plethora of the beauties. Such a memory.

    I am thankful for your thankful posting. I have been in a tizzy as life has upped and tumbled me rather harshly. No details needed to bog the joyful moment, but I would so appreciate any spare prayers you have on hand for peace and guidance and JOY JOY JOY JOY DOWN IN MY HEART! : )

  3. jo,
    i always seem to end up with egg or chicken. no imagination, maybe? :)
    nice hearing from you


  4. debbie,
    i dont know if you've caught up but i'm trying to be thankful every day this month. i think i live with gratitude but i'm finding it hard to be specific :)

    joy can be soooo elusive, cant it?
    i'll be thinking of and praying for you today


  5. @DEBBIE,

    I will be praying for you also.

    "... the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."


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