Friday 26 April 2019

Ya gotta Eat

Tonight I made a new recipe. It was a barley risotto with lemon, parsley and broccolini and it was quite nice. I didn't realise that barley doesn't gain volume when cooked in the same way rice does so the quantity wasn't really enough but I liked the flavour and texture.  It would make a good base for a buddha bowl with added meat, mushrooms, salad, nuts or cheese.

On the subject of food, I am noticing that a lot of Sydney eateries seem to offer the same kind of menu (well, it's probably because I go to the low price places) Burgers are ubiquitous, everything comes with chips, salads are expensive and get boring quickly. I wish it was easier to break free of the standard fare and still stay at the budget end of the market. If my local places would offer a home style "one pot" type dish, say as a weekly special, I would appreciate the variety and I imagine that others would feel the same. Of course, market forces in hospitality are not exactly my area of expertise so I might be barking up the wrong tree. 

What do you think? burgers and chips or risotto, curry, pasta and soup?


  1. Definitely risotto, curry, pasta and soup here. And Buddha bowls - which describes the way I often like to eat.
    I rarely eat out these days at any end of the market but have noticed that 'trends' and fashion are as much a part of food as anything else.

    1. I love the idea of buddha bowls but find them hard to execute for some reason...
      Probably because I expect them to look like they do on pinterest :/

  2. the other thing about restaurants is the portions are far too large. Many times my wife and I split an order.

    1. Yes, I agree they often serve way too much

  3. Burger and chips for me please! Haha. But as Red has said portions are too big for me. I can only about half the meal that's put in front of me, which is such a waste.

    1. I love a good burger but I've had some pretty bad ones!

  4. Burgers have been done to death on menus for a couple of years now. Buddha bowls? Isn't that a latter day trend, like weighted blankets?
    When I was in Tasmania last month I was offered half serves from the breakfast menu - what a great idea.
    Pasta and risotto are now quite pricey, even on a lunch menu, compared with burgers.

    1. Buddha bowl is a fancy way of saying bits from the fridge, isn't it? And yes, a new term.
      The half serve breakfast is a great idea, I like it they way I used to like burgers :)

  5. Interesting, what you achieved but, unless I try out something myself, I am unable to offer suggestions. I think that including some iceberg lettuce, orange or tangerine rinds, feta cheese and a good french dressing should make for a substantial and nourishing salad.

  6. Oooh! I like the idea of adding feta and orange rind. You are not just a pretty face!

  7. Being flighty and undecided and completely double-minded, I say YES to both. YES to risotto, curry, pasta and soup but also YES to burgers and chips.

    Not in the same meal, of course.

    1. Unstable in all your ways is a bad way for a man to be but I bet your stomach is happy!

  8. There are so many things I can't eat that I dislike eating out. My choice is usually something safe like a chicken sandwich or meat and veg. Legumes, pulses, nuts and seeds all trigger an IBS-like reaction, which is not how I like to spend several hours of my day :) How I wish, though ...

    1. Jenny, just this week I reacted badly to coconut milk yogurt. I thought it was going to spoil my dinner ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
      You have my sympathy!

  9. I still love a burger, but am allergic to beef and also to the wheat in the bun. I do indulge occasionally. And suffer. I see these Buddha bowls and think I have been eating my meal in a bowl for ages! Why waste a plate? It is easily eaten in a bowl as opposed to trying to get food off a plate without spilling it on myself. I am blogging at`until I get my blog straightened out.

    1. I've missed you in blog world! I'll be over soon.
      Allergies are no fun, who wants to live without burgers?

  10. Barley is off the menu now because of stomach issues, as are all nuts and pulses, which I really miss. Nothing like a good hearty plate of lentil soup on a cold Scottish winter's day but although I can't eat it, I still make it and give it away to my family.

    1. We don't eat much barley, I'm just not in the habit, but it has a lovely nuttiness.

      No nuts or pulses! That's hard

  11. I enjoy a burger with chips once in a while but I would rather have a nice Thai stirfry - simple and fresh. Surely you have some humble Thai eateries in Sydney?

    1. There are so many Thai restaurants and I love Thai food. Thing is, I eat at the pub on trivia night and take miss London out on a Wednesday and she is super fussy so I end up in the same places every time. Some one took miss London to yum cha recently. She asked what the hell it was!

  12. Risotto and curry defo. I love one bowl meals. Must try barley again, mum said it was a great healer for the kidneys :) Scotch broth.


  13. I love chips but don't like burgers. Risotto, curry, pasta and soup are more my taste. Jenny and I went to Thai Fusion in Milson's Point a couple of times - delicious food. Your new recipe looks very tasty!

    1. I am very fond of Thai food!

      there are a lot of haloumi burgers around these days, they are a good vegetarian option and are delicious

  14. Yep, same here, I like chips but don't eat burgers. I have chips with stir fried veg.

    1. Chips and stir fry!!! I like that, more interesting than rice :)


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