Saturday 25 April 2020

weird things in my house

a little while ago Joey asked what weird things we have in our houses. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" he promised.

i don't think I have weird things but Im terrible at putting things away and my kids are worse so we have normal things in weird places

anyways, I was trying to look around with eyes unaccustomed to our particular brand of weirdness and I came across a few things:

the fan in my bedroom. a relic from the sixties or the eighties or some time before we bought the place. the fan was using the circuitry from the light so there was no light in the room until i fell heavily one night and demanded a light. This is what I got. ugly.

I looked at the blanket covering the window and decided it was way too shameful to post but it's in the reflection here. The window coverings were awful and my husband never liked to improve the house in any way so i ripped some of the blinds down as a way to force the issue. Ended up with a blanket for 20 years.
What i wanted to show here was the newspaper on the mirror. The whole mirror was covered in newspaper as part of the great feng shui project of c.2014. (i whinged about it back then, it's on record somewhere in the archives!) When my husband left I removed the newspaper but i couldnt reach this bit and i kinda stopped seeing it.

last is the box our fruit and veg is delivered in. I dont know why it was put next to the china cabinet. some day it will graduate to the recycling bin. i'm calling it bohemian.


  1. Jenny and I are very neat and tidy and well-organised so there's nothing very weird here. It's normality central, unless you include the attic, which is full of strange odds and ends like computer cables, books to go to the charity bookshop, old lampshades, old phones etc.

    1. I'm glad I don't have an attic! It's just a grave for stuff

  2. Smiling.
    I like quirky homes - which is probably just as well. Charitably our home can be described as eclectic...

    1. Eclectic is good! Somebody even named a blog that way

  3. Great to see other peoples' eccentricities - I have all sorts of weird stuff.

  4. I have a Halloween window decal of a cartoon spider in the corner of my shower. I don't know why. There is an index card taped to my mirror. I says, "Just because you miss someone doesn't mean you need them back in your life, missing is just a part of moving on". I know why that is there.

    1. The shower is a good place for a spider!

      as for the index card, the way i say the same thing is "it doesn't matter how you feel, they are not good for you"
      Yours is more poetic

  5. You have got to visit our place. Enough said.

  6. I liked to read in bed but the light on my husband's side was way too bright so I asked him to tone his light down a bit, thinking, maybe, that he would change the lightbulb at some point. Nah, he took a pair of his underpants out of the drawer and pulled them down over the lampshade - where they stayed for years looking like a faded yellow alien!

    1. thats funny and irritating! it reminds me of my blanket curtain

  7. I had a place outside the bathroom and to the left that was soft. No, floor was not falling in. The bathroom I a converted porch and somehow that little soft place is there. the floor, viewed from the basement is solid as stone. Plus, you step down about 3 inches from the hall to get to the bathroom At the other door to our bedroom from the bath, the step was about 7 inches. Weird. But, that is what you get in a house over 100 years old when people renovate.

    1. yes, old houses develop a life and style of their own, right?

  8. My house is not particularly odd but some of the things I possess might be considered "different"
    I have a monkey butler in the foyer and a framed mask on velvet ( The mask is a half mask of a dude in a fez
    ) in the den


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