Saturday 25 November 2023

Scotch Eggs

 After John posted his story about the "Scotch Egg Incident" I decided it was high time I tried a scotch egg.

I'm the kind of cook who dislikes doing pretty much anything in batches (except maybe Anzac Biscuits) but I couldn't find anywhere to buy scotch eggs so I decided I'd have to make my own.

I'm also the kind of cook who never makes anything to the recipe but as the scotch eggs were something new to me I fully intended to follow a recipe.

Until I went to the butchers and thought a couple of disemboweled Italian sausages would be a nice addition to the sausage mince in the recipe.

I brought the mince home and put it in the freezer but somehow the sausages languished in the fridge and had to be given to Milly who thought they were delicious.

So, I was back to the sausage mince and eggs. I wrapped the eggs in mince (plus salt & pepper, cumin, paprika and powdered garlic) It was going better than expected and then there was an opportunity to watch tv with Caitlin so I ditched the idea of crumbing the eggs and just put them in the oven without the crumbs. At this point the Scotch egg afficianados are probably pulling hair out in horror.

They worked out to be acceptable but not amazing. I think a better quality mince would have made a huge difference and I still think Italian sausages would be a good addition.

When asked if I would do it again, I said no but on second thoughts, they probably deserve to be done better.

I've finished nearly all of the small amount of Christmas shopping I'm going to do. My car passed it's safety inspection which I was a little concerned about so I don't have to worry about that for another year and just this morning I finished writing a sermon I've been battling with for over a week. It's nice to be asked to preach and I enjoy researching and mulling over a topic.

The lead up to years end is looking busy and I'm a little bit ragey already so if I get over stretched or under appreciated things could take a dive........

I need to drag myself from the knife edge but I'm unsure how to do it. I still have stuff to learn, it seems.


  1. So, a Scotch egg is ground meat wrapped around an egg? I barely know what they are so anything sounds fine to me. I certainly hope you get the rest of the year under control and drag yourself away from the knife edge.

    1. Yes, ground meat and breadcrumbs around a boiled egg.
      It's not a big thing here but more in the UK, I think

  2. I've ever had an urge for a scotch egg - despite John's wild enthusiasm for them. I've had a few glasses of scotch whisky though!

    1. I may have had whisky in coffee once?
      Haha I think I'll stick with the eggs

  3. My mother made scotch eggs which were widely praised. Even when I ate meat I was not a fan.
    I hear you on being stretched and ragey. It is the Christmas baking which is daunting me most at the moment. For lots of years we have made Christmas cakes for family and friends. It has grown bigger than Ben Hur and I cannot face it.
    I am glad that you finished your sermon, and hope that you and the audience are pleased with it.l
    And here's hoping we can both stay away from that knife's edge.

    1. Can you buy woolworths cakes, pour brandy on and wrap nicely? ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚
      I hope your energy levels pick up

  4. Anytime I've gone off recipe it's been a disaster.

    1. Experience has taught me when I can or can't go off recipe, Red ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. My partner used to make them when we had an electric deep fryer and they were very nice. After we got rid of the fryer, we bought them from a Scottish butcher but he has long 'left the shop'. Deep fried, they are probably not very healthy which is why we stopped buying them but every so often I do get the fancies. If you try them again, I think you should stick to the basics and if successful, then try adding the Italian sausage.

    1. You're probably right, Andrew. I didn't see before but I now notice JOhn has posted his own recipe on his blog. I might try his and i'm pretty sure he cooks them in the oven which is a bonus

  6. I used to make them Kylie and buy the pork sausage meat and mix in some oatmeal to steady the boat and onions thyme and mace (mace hard to get) salt and white pepper. A glaze of egg over it and then drenched in panko (which is dry and tiny). God they were good.

    1. I usually draw a line at crumbing anything but it looks like i have to have another shot at these!

  7. I hope you will publish your sermon on your other blog.

  8. hi, kylie, sorry to burst in on this thread. This comment is not about scotch eggs or john going gently. I have been wondering if you might know what has happened to another blogger where I thin I have seen your name before, linda in hueytown (don't know her last name) who blogs as practicalparsimonh. She used to post every single day and suddenly stopped on October 8. I wanted to contact you by email but the link in your profile wasn't functioning, or so it seems. I may be wrong. I have been wrong before. Don't quote me. But I am wondering why she stopped so suddenly. I hope it is nothing dire. If you want to continue this at my email use rbrague at windstream dot net .... thanks for any info.

    1. hi Robert,
      By now you should have received my email. Thanks for checking on Linda. I must check why the link in my profile doesn't work.....

  9. ooh I love scotch eggs, with or without bread crumbs. My daughter is actually cooking some now in the air fryer! I hope you have dragged yourself away from the knife egde and feeling more balanced now :-)

    1. Thank you, Polly. I am feeling quite good, it's like the knife edge never existed


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