Thursday 22 August 2024


 Sometime recently, I don't remember where or when, I saw a blogger say they enjoy knowing what other people regard  as staples in the pantry or on the shopping list. Once upon a time I would have found it the most boring topic in the world but the reality is, we all like to glimpse the unseen parts of others' lives.

I like coffee and I'm too tight to buy espresso all the time and too lazy to make espresso so instant coffee is something I never run out of.

I like milk in coffee so there's always milk (dairy or oat are both ok but I usually have dairy)

I don't eat much bread at all but I feel bereft if I can't satisfy a craving for toast so there's nearly always bread.

Rice/ pasta / potatoes. I prefer basmati rice but other's like jasmine, what I buy depends what's on sale. Pasta in case we want bolognaise. Potatoes to have cooked and ready to eat in the fridge.

I add some veggies or beef mince to Stagg chili for an easy meal.

If one wants bolognaise and doesn't make their own sauce, a couple of jars of pasta sauce are necessary.

Cheese goes well on the toast or the chilli or the bolognaise. Even just chhese on pasta can be delicious.

I knew I liked curry but I didn't realise just how often I cook some version of curry until my son in law told a mate I always make it. There's always more than one curry option available here: Curry paste, curry powder, curry simmer sauce.

If a staple is defined as something I really don't like to run out of, can I just say that there is always fruit but the one I find the very most convenient is bananas. We do run out of them but I can't have a banana free fruit bowl for long.

What is always in your shopping trolley?


  1. When I started thinking about what I keep all the time it is hard to think of just a few things. I keep and overly stocked pantry and freezer at all times. When we were a young couple with very young kids, TheHub had his own accounting practice and income was either feast or famine. I learned quickly to hit sales and stock up during the better times. I just never quit that practice even though circumstances changed.
    I always have butter, tuna steaks, boneless chicken breasts /thighs and ground chuck (mince to you) in the freezer. I also keep purchased and home canned vegetables, mainly for the winter when fresh is harder to find. I have the fixings for salad or coleslaw in the fridge, seasonal fruits, and many different cheeses. And I always have all the traditional staples, rice, flour, sugar, coffee, tea, etc. Truthfully, I am so well stocked I rarely run out of anything.

    1. I run out of the stuff I use often and gain extras of the things I use occasionally. I cant remember how much I have so I get more "just in case"

  2. We have dozens of staples, but I suppose the most important ones are soya milk, multi-seed bread, cheddar cheese, peanut butter and bananas. If we're out of any of those, it's an emergency!
    As for coffee, we grind our own coffee beans and feed the coffee into a cafetiere.

    1. Bread, cheese and bananas. I could live off them

  3. Our pantry/fridge have been bursting at the seams for many years now. There is always cheese. And milk. And rice. And garlic. I am with you on bananas. And the cats always have a choice of food too.

    1. I dont buy more than one kibble for my dog but she's a bit fussy so I end up with a lot of "garnishes"

  4. In the last couple of months I've always had a supply of supermarket bought coleslaw and potato salad. They can be used for a meal or just as a snack on its own. Otherwise, just the normal staples such as cereal, bread, milk, rice, butter, spreads and more.

    1. Potato salad and coleslaw are good to have, I have developed a similar idea of keeping boiled potatoes in the fridge and frozen peas in the freezer. I also have kimchee or sauerkraut on hand

  5. Potatoes - you'll never go hungry with potatoes in your larder! And Broccoli. I'll skip the cheese, and rice, but I always have bread, milk and eggs. And a bar of good chocolate.
    I also have to make 'garnishes' for my dog's kibble!

    1. potatoes are unbelievable versatile!
      I currently have pet mince, rice and sweet potato simmering for a kibble garnish. I can't hold it against her, I wouldnt eat t he same thing every day

  6. Olive oil, sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, flour, brown rice, spices, oats

    canned goods--tomatoes, tuna, green beans, peaches, applesauce, PET milk, plus a wide variety of other types of canned food. PET milk is a brand of canned milk.

    Cheeses and milk, although perishable, and other dairy products.

    I buy 40 lbs sweet potatoes each fall and other potatoes as needed.

    Pasta of all sorts, but spaghetti, penne, shells, rigatoni mostly.

    freezer staples--bscb, thighs, legs, turkey breasts. Frozen cooked proteins packaged for one or two servings. Lots of bottles of virgin olive oil bought on bogo. Frozen vegetables.

    We love shopping in our own stores.

    Crackers, Graham crackers, Wheat Thins. These three items are not kept in multiples or even all at once.

    1. My son grew sweet potatoes this year and we are still eatig them months down the track.
      I sometimes go through a "cracker phase" but mostly we don't eat them and they sit in the cupboard and get stale!
      I can relate to everything else

  7. bananas, whole wheat bread, apple juice, cheddar cheese, butter, milk substitutes (oat & soy), mini-wheats cereal, granola bars, peanut butter, frozen pizza, eggs, onions, olives, soda crackers, canned tuna, canned fruit, bagged chopped salad, and - this summer - non-dairy frozen treats which I am eating too many of :) I have a somewhat restricted diet due to GERD, lactose intolerance and IBS. Also, there are some things I like but I can only eat occasionally, which always leads to waste. So I try to stick to my old faithful list. (I also always have at least one kind of cookies but I don't like to say that part out loud.)

    1. You don't need to say cookies out loud, it's a given ;)
      I just ordered a herbal supplement for reflux. I'm hoping it does the trick

    2. it's a given - lol!
      I hope the herbal supplement helps you too. I've been taking prescription meds for decades and have been trying to reduce the dosage. I learned there is a huge rebound effect. I wish I was not dependent on them. Good luck.

  8. I am passionate about espresso, but even if there was not enough money to buy top quality espresso all the time, I would sell my blood and buy what was the top priority in this house. Being too lazy to make espresso is not an issue either.... that is why we have a spouse, children and grandchildren.

  9. I could duplicate yours almost to the item! Absolutely.

    1. I think we live in very similar food cultures so maybe it's not surprising.

  10. Always in my shopping trolley? The reusable bags I use to bring stuff home from the supermarket!
    But that cleverdick answer aside... onions, semi-skimmed milk, bananas, potatoes, bread.

    1. I unfailingly forget my bags so you're way ahead of me!
      Full cream milk only in this house (oat or almond for the dairy free guests)


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