Tuesday 26 February 2008

Today makes it a month since my car broke down. Coincidentally, it had been booked in for some major work the following week, the mechanic couldn't start work on it early so we were without it for six days before it was even looked at. After that it took a week to get the gearbox out and now we are waiting for the neccessary bearings to come from France. That could take three weeks, more if there is a public holiday in Venezuala or some such hiccup.
Instead of going to work at about nine, after dropping the young 'uns at school, I go to work with my husband at half seven. Instead of coming home at three-thirty or four I come home at five. As time goes on it gets easier in some ways but harder in others. The girls miss me and when I'm at home they need more from me. I'm working harder and have less to give. The usual balancing act now feels like the high wire.
For all of the extra hours I've been putting in work is no less busy so somehow I seem to have become a full-timer without really meaning to.
Amazingly, even with all the work which should have kept me away from the computer, I have now managed to reach our data limit. We'll be speed limited until the end of the month, down to nail bitingly, teeth grittingly, make-a-cuppa-as-a-page-loads super slow. Anyway, the point is that I've got to where I was trying not to go so I might as well write a post.
Are you wondering when I'll get to the point? There is none. I'm just rambling away here because I love that message "your post published successfully"
that's where I'm at. I haven't forgotten that I was going to introduce Anzac & Jet and I'm doing some serious mental somersaults considering the question "What do you believe?"
Hope you're all taking care.


  1. Dear Kylie,
    Hope and pray for getting your car back in no time.. life is a ever changing experience....at least for me :)
    I know these days are hard for you...to be away from children's, working even harder...but sure it will pass..keep your chin up dear...
    I wish I can send my pappa to help you with car..(he is a mechanical engineer)
    ♥ & ((hugs))

  2. You and your poor car. We had BMW trouble, two weeks with out it and two weeks of car rental. The cost equaled the price we would have paid for a new used BMW!!! Insane and pathetic. Good luck with that honey!

    God I miss you. So I'll write and you don't have to respond. I'm sorry your schedule is so messed up and that you're working more than you might like. At least you and hubby get to spend "quality time" to and from work! Well of course I'm laughing. But who knows! Miracles do happen!

    I love you and miss you. I can't wait till March...only 4 more days!!! You're going to have to comment like a maniac!

    LOVE YOU!!!
    Suze XO

  3. Honey, Helen's birthday was on the 25th. That's only two words!

  4. Kylie,
    Came by to say hi and seen you had a new post. I am hoping for a speedy repair of your car. Hopefully then your schedule will ease up. Like Suze, we all will count down til March, don't worry about responding. I know it is hard not to and I truly love your responses!
    Hang in there,
    we are sending lots of good thoughts your way!

    love and hugs,

  5. Hey Kylie,
    Sorry for the lack of communication - I just haven't been feeling particularly communicative. You know me: moody.

    I enjoyed your recount of the camel race. Sounds like it was a lot of fun.

  6. Well, good luck with the car thing. Working full time is hard work, trust me, I know! Good luck with everything.

  7. Kylie,

    Hope the car is fixed soon.
    Loved the BMW story from Suze.
    People who drive continental cars.... I dunno !

  8. Hey Attenuator...just let me say this about that. Once you own a BMW you never want to drive any thing else. It actually is the ultimate driving machine. Expensive to maintain? Yes, but worth ever single cent because you don't waste a lot of money on foolish stuff. The car is all on computer, so it tells you what to do and you do it. No guess work really. I don't know how to explain it. It's just the greatest damn car and we have an early model, but one of the best years it was ever made. I try to imagine driving another car and can't, so they got me hook, line and sinker. But yes, for repair costs and rental car this last time, seriously, we could have bought a 5 series used for what we spent. Who knew.



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