Saturday, 3 July 2010

the $2 a day diet and other ramblings........

one of my most favouritest tabloid tv shows featured a story this week about the $2 a day diet. because it is my very favouritest show i didnt actually see the story but i looked it up on the internet between stops at facebook and blogging and all that other stuff......
the $2 a day diet consists of oats & fruit for breakfast, lentils & rice for lunch and broccoli & sweet potato soup for dinner. you can throw in an egg or two and thats it.
i'm not sure the broccoli & sweet potato soup would be great looking and a nutritionist declared the diet low on minerals but i have to say that the story diet excited me a bit. if you were really short of cash it would be a reasonably nutritious diet, if you could add a dollar or two you could add variety and minerals with some tinned fish or a little bit of chicken or meat. in it's original form the diet is vegetarian, good for the earth and for health.
i'm almost tempted to try it for a little while (i said almost)

in other food news, the folks i work with seem to take a great interest in each others lunches. i find it a bit odd i have to say because i dont really care what other people eat. there was a guy who ate tuna on raisin bread, i thought that was out-there, but i mostly dont care.
yesterday i was tired and headachey and craving something sweet and comforting but i didnt have any normal comfort foods and i wasnt going to go out so looking to use what was available i added some boiling water to apple juice and was inspired to sprinkle some cinnamon on top. i thought it was creative and filled the bill but i was declared to have "lost it"

so, what odd combos do you like?
and what do you think of the $2 diet?


  1. The soup actually sounds of interest; I like both :P

    Now please; step away from th' telly!

  2. The diet sounds kind of appealing. It would certainly work to reduce! And actually, with the lentils etc., it's got the protein component.

    I don't think your drinks sounds weird, it's pretty much hot apple cider!

    Okay. What combination do I like. Hollow out a kirby cucumber. fill it with cream cheese and chick peas in vinegar sauce. Delicious.

  3. Gah I need to lose about thirty pounds, d'you think this would do it? Not if I add my preferred side dish - wine!

    I'm a fan of all the regular combos. Apple pie and cheese, chocolate and salt, all the good stuff. No wonder I need to lose 30 pounds!

  4. I didn't see bacon on that menu.

  5. subby,
    long time, no see, eh?
    welcome back

    i dont actually watch a lot of telly but what i do shows up here for something to talk about

    i know chickpeas but cant imagine chickpeas in vinegar sauce!

    you serious?
    they'd have a field day with you!

    i did say you could add some variety with another dollar or two :)

  6. Wow, could you really afford even that bare minimum on $2 a day? Fruit's pretty expensive here, and this is the cheapest city in the UK. Lentils and rice sounds a bit dull, I must say. I think I'd be foraging round the supermarkets for some throwouts I could supplement that diet with.

  7. nick,
    i agree it sounds a bit dull but when i think of the people who complain they have to eat catfood because they have no money.....
    well, they could learn from this.

    fruit isnt cheap but i think this diet relies on getting the cheapest fruit possible. there was mention of bananas at 49c per kilo. i have no idea where they got that from because $1.49 would be a bargain

  8. just this mornin i had ali's taco soup which is really gross>>>>boil taco shell, no taco meat >>>lettuce tomatoe and cheese in boiling water on high for 4.6 minutes and consume>>>stay on this for 170 days or until you can say tiaiya tamlees or dance around a mexican hat>.love ya the putz

  9. just this mornin i had ali's taco soup which is really gross>>>>boil taco shell, no taco meat >>>lettuce tomatoe and cheese in boiling water on high for 4.6 minutes and consume>>>stay on this for 170 days or until you can say tiaiya tamlees or dance around a mexican hat>.love ya the putz

  10. kylie~ some of our markets offer reduced produced( read that...very ripe ), on th' cheap. Like bananas for 10cents a pound( which works out to what, 22c per kilo... )

    Sorry I've not been by...too many jobs keep me occupied else-where :[

  11. putzy,
    what happens if it goes over 4.6 minutes?

    yeah, i know you're a busy man. nice to see you and dont work too hard

  12. What I think is that I can't get Peggy to eat the same things two meals in a row, and that I'm the chief cook around here. I also think that she and I really need to start saying no to buying goodies at Costco (a members only superstore) because if I don't have highly refined foods at home, I can't eat highly refined foods at home.

    Do you not like the looks of broccoli and sweet potatoes, or is it the combination that displeases you?

  13. P.S. "there was a guy who ate tuna on raisin bread, i thought that was out-there"

    "There's a man who lives a life of danger," sang Johnny Rivers. Maybe this particular danger-loving man was just trying to show off. I don't find it surprising that your co-workers take an interest in other people's lunches, although I would guess that the women do it more than the men.

  14. snowy!
    1.i have found that keeping the processed crap out of the house is the best way to not eat it.

    2. why should poor peg eat the same thing twice in a row

    3. broccoli and sweet potato would look terrible. the combo would be ok.

    4. danger man DID love danger and he WAS a show off

    5. yep, the women love to see the lunches

  15. Actually, I love to see what other people eat. When I'm at a restaurant I'm sure I look nosy as hell because I'm always looking at the plates on other tables. I just love food, and the process of eating!

    The diet is okay - certainly healthful and filling, though I'd miss some fruit and/or veg at lunch. It all goes to show that eating healthy is cheap - not expensive as many like to suggest.

  16. Hey necessity is the mother of invention. I've made up orange metamucil before now because I ran out of fruit juice. The $2 diet? Sounds pretty interesting actually. Off to hunt it down.


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