Wednesday, 5 January 2011

the scenery as promised

amazing texture on this old banksia

love the colour in the bark

dont see many of these any more

"the castle" is an institution


  1. Wonderful pictures Kylie - thank you for sharing!! Love the textures.

  2. megan comment two posts ago, ya tennis the austrialian open ya dummy<><><>,.and i would give my lefft two eyeballs to see all that tennis in high def, and i am sure kilie will be gratful, she whould be a fool to not be on pins and neddles for it<><><><>

  3. thanks mike :)

    would you also give your right eyeballs??
    um....i hate to break it to ya...i dont follow tennis, or football, or cricket.
    i just lost all cred, didnt i??

  4. Putz - Yes, I know The Australian Open. :)

    I want to go visit that castle.

  5. megs,
    it looks cool, huh? reality is it has electric barbecues and picnic tables in it and half the time i think it seems grotty.
    the top of the castle is a sought after wedding venue, it has views of the bay


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