Tuesday, 10 June 2014


the toaster has been on it's way out for a while now, it tends to trip the circuit breaker sometimes and the spring is so bad it takes a dozen goes to get the bread to stay down. tonight it put the power out for half the house and the kids started demanding a new toaster. mr fix-it here who fixes everything past what is at all reasonable said the toaster was full of crumbs and it would be fine if it was emptied. then he turned it upside down. then he said some contacts looked very bad. then he admitted that maybe we should buy a new toaster.
the poor old thing has served us well but i must admit to some slight excitement about new kitchen goods so i started googling. do you know how many toasters there are? do you know what some of them cost?


  1. We've had our current toaster - a fairly cheap one - for quite a while. I do shake out the crumbs regularly so maybe that helps. Some toasters are mind-bogglingly expensive, and I fail to see what justifies the cost except doing four slices at once or having extra-wide slots. A super-trendy Dualit for £150? No way.

  2. there was only a sprinkling of crumbs. our toaster gets used about as often as the fridge is opened, i think so it deserves to be worn out and who can eat four slices of toast before it goes cold?

  3. I know exactly how many different types of toasters there are in the market just having coducted a detailed research for a friend who wanted to buy what has served me well for the past fifteen years. It has a retractable bottom plate that facilitates cleaning the crumbs and I was unsuccessful to get an exact copy for my friend.

  4. Sadly I do now just how many toasters there are out there. And what they cost.
    We bought a new one a couple of years ago - and I was horrified on both counts. It took a while to find one we liked as well.
    Good luck.

  5. ramana,
    i wouldnt have imagined that a toaster would be standard for an Indian kitchen! dont you eat far more exotic things than re-cooked bread?

  6. ec,
    i'm very tempted to go down the road of looking for one i like but then i remind myself that the basic model we have had was just fine. its amazing how a shiny lacquered finish or some such frivolity can add "value" and even more amazing that i seriously consider paying it!

  7. We do eat bread, butter, marmalade, jam, eggs, oats, muesli, flakes. porridge. ham, bacon, and when we can get it black pudding too. Colonial hangovers! But my personal choice is Indian breakfast / food.

  8. I have never seen anything that looked remotely like that.

  9. neither have i but it must be out there somewhere!


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