Tuesday, 3 July 2018

The week past

Last week was a lot busier than any week I have had in recent times: three days at work including two special occasions, one morning at Ernie's grave, the next evening at a friends place talking through a eulogy, then a memorial church service where we delivered a eulogy together. It was a little exhausting and just to see if I can deal with a challenge, the weather threw in a whole lot of rain so the ever present washing became a bit of a drama as well.

The book you see here is irrelevant  but I found it in the library at work and I thought it was so marvellous I had to take a photo.

The Salvation Army in Australia held it's first meeting under a gum tree in an Adelaide park so this scene from Ern's burial pleased me as I thought it would please him. He would have loved the great fig tree first of all and the nod to history would have been the icing on the cake.

Our national commanders visited work and by way of trying to dress up a fruit platter I added a Nutella dip. I noticed Mrs National Commander din't touch it but my boss almost licked it off the plate. Leftover Nutella went on crumpets today as an attempt to give everyone something warm and comforting on a grey morning. It's amazing what warm food and chocolate can accomplish.

This week I noticed that we have ducks on campus. I could see them from the kitchen window as I pottered with my duties, they were keeping the groundskeeper company after his return from holidays......probably hoping he would unearth some juicy worms. I'll try to get some photos of them because they are regular ducks but they are from now, MY ducks and consequently special.


  1. That fruit plate looks scrumptious. I have never had Nutella. One day, I decided to buy some and found it had hazelnuts in it, and I am allergic to hazelnuts! I didn't know fig trees grew that large. That is a beautiful location.

    1. That particular fig tree is possibly 300 years old, they are an Australian variety and grow all along the east coast. The state government has cut down whole avenues of glorious trees just like this one for the sake of a light rail which will probably be outdated before it is even finished. I'll never get over it

    2. Governments in the US, large and small do stupid things like cutting down mature trees that will never recover that growth in our lifetimes. So sad.

  2. I notice a change in the tone of your writings since you have started being busy. And that photograph of the food made my mouth water!

    1. I'm very transparent! I enjoyed what I was doing before but it's also good to be employed where i see the same people and can be part of a work community.

  3. Sometimes it's good to so busy you are almost in a spin. If only to take you out of yourself when the monkey brain chatters away (not the dish, ref. Buddha and meditation).

    I am fond of Garibaldi (not least on account of the sound of both his first and his surname together: Giuseppe Garibaldi. How lovely that you saw beauty in what is, to those with little imagination, (just) a green book with some gold lettering thrown in.


    1. I love that it has been cared for over a long time, It was around before any of my long gone grandparents were even born. I also like the leather binding and the embossing.....
      I'm just a romantic.

      Do you think Joe Garibaldi looked as good as his name sounds?

  4. We had Nutella when it was introduced to the UK in the 60s and I rather liked it (despite being a savoury rather than a sweet person). I tried it again when I was living in New Zealand but never finished the jar. I still look at the jar in the shops fondly though.

    1. I would always choose lemon curd or jam or honey over Nutella but that hazelnut chocolate combo is also good!
      What do you put on toast?

    2. Generally speaking Marmite or peanut butter. If I occasionally want something sweet then I prefer honey. Having said that if I'm staying with friends then I'll eat whatever is on offer.

  5. I have a love hate relationship with Nutella. I love it the first time or two I open the jar, then the rest just languishes until I finally toss it.
    I love the book. It is beautifully bound.
    Glad you claimed ownership of the ducks. A hawk nested somewhere near my house and I have declared the hawk and it's fledgling are mine.

    1. Hawks are so much rarer than ducks so I'm glad they have you to keep an eye on them!
      and you are right, Nutella is good to start with and suddenly it's just textureless mush

  6. It looks the perfect place for a funeral. And I am sure he would have loved it.
    Looking forward to your duck shots. They are birds of immense charm.
    Love the book too. I often wonder about the previous owners/readers when I come across a book of any age...

    1. Yes, I wondered about the owners of the book. It must have been a very expensive purchase in those days.
      I am fairly certain that short of a miracle I'll have trouble shooting the ducks so don't hold your breath! :)

  7. Good byes are very important so that we can move on.

    1. You are right, Red. An appropriate farewell will stand us in good stead

  8. That's a wonderful spread of fruit and Nutella. And the cover of the Garibaldi book is amazing.

    1. The dip is cream cheese mixed with Nutella. Delicious!

  9. I've avoided trying Nutella because the last thing I need is another food vice!! I've come close, though :) That is a very attractive fruit platter. Our grocery stores have imported fruit everything for ten of twelve months every year. Our growing season is quite short. On the other hand, if you want homegrown potatoes and turnip, we have those :D

    That tree is majestic, isn't it? What a lovely place to be buried.

    1. We are in the off season for fruit but there is still plenty available.
      I like nutella but I can go without it and not notice. In fact, I was the mean mother who wouldn't buy the stuff....

  10. Nutella seems to be an addiction for some people, but like Jenny I've avoided it too. Fortunately I'm not a great fan of chocolate so that helps.

    Love the beautiful tree, but the white plastic chairs and orange traffic cones spoil the scene slightly. :D

    1. The straps for lowering the casket are a bit messy, too

  11. I was a mean mum also who wouldn't buy 'rubbish' stuff for my children. Then I gave in and did buy a jar of nutella (as a treat i said). Well I couldn't understand how a treat spread could vanish so quickly - until I discovered the two youngest boys eating it with a spoon one day! Back to jam and vegemite!
    You'll discover ducks will come a running if they think there's food to be had - so keep them guessing while you take your snaps. Watch out for the free for all if you do toss food their way though.

    1. ah yes, the old spoonful of Nutella! Like the spoonfuls of dry Milo (blech)

      Thanks for the tip on the ducks :)


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