Wednesday 21 August 2019


My daughter Caitlin texted me from the train this evening, saying that she could see the phone of the man in front and he was texting his wife, entered into the phone as "wife"
The message said "Hi wife, I'm running late so have dinner without me if you're hungry"

Caitlin was amused by his calling her "wife" and I commented that there must be millions of similar texts sent each evening.

We started to toss around ideas about the most common text messages:

"Can you buy milk?" and "I'm running late" which is closely related to "%$@* Sydney trains"

My own most frequent text, the one that drives me insane, is "Are you home for dinner tonight?"
closely followed by "Yes" (Did you feed the dogs?)

What do you send?
What do you think would be the most common text ?
What funny messages can you think of?


  1. I don't get many opportunities to text. I call whoever I want to talk to about anything. The questions that I ask my daughter in love often is "where is such and such kept or requests to get something on the way back from wherever she has gone.

    1. oh yes! the "where is...." question!
      It's really good to speak to people but it's a dying art

  2. I'm afraid that my most frequent messages are very boring and are "Buon giorno" and "Night night" usually embellished a little.

    I can't think of any particularly amusing messages off hand but like most people, I'm sure, when engaging in conversations with several people at the same time the occasional mis-directed message has caused some embarrassment. Moreso when I was rather younger than I am now I have to admit.

    1. haha I love your admission of embarassing messages when you were younger, Graham! there's a whole story in there

  3. I would much rather talk than text - being equipt with clumsy fingers. If I were to text the most common messages would be 'on my way home' followed by 'do we need anything?'

    1. Yes, I'm sure these ones are common. I wonder what we did before we could broadcast our every move :)

  4. We don't text except when going to visit our kids (which is now just one kid, because the second one lives too far away to visit), and the message is always the same: "running late, ETA" followed by our estimated arrival time. This is because I am always late. Come to think of it, maybe I don't even need to send those texts. Our kids know me.

    I expect that one of the more common texts for folks who live in small centres and drive their own vehicles is "do you need anything at the grocery store on my way home?" Hopefully not texted while driving :)

    1. I'm sure your kids know you will be late but they are probably wondering just how late you will be :)

  5. I have a coffee shop around the corner called the Jumping Bean referred to as JB. The most frequent texts are JB? followed by time to one of my friends. Daughter refers to it as my salon.
    I am very efficient in my texts, lol.


    1. I love this! I spend a lot of time in a coffee shop called Charlie Lovett, which I abbreviate to Charlies

  6. I am not a serial texter and rarely send anything which requires more than a one word answer, but I do send this text to TheHub who rarely answers his phone. "Call me back" or "Answer your damn phone" depending on whether I really need to talk with him or just checking in.

    1. Answer your damn phone is something we have all wanted to say!

  7. I hardly ever send text messages, and neither of us would use the words wife or husband, with all their dubious overtones. We sometimes text each other if we're both out of the house, to find out where the other one is.

    I've no idea what is the most popular text. Probably "I'm stuck in the bus/train/car/at the airport. Goodness knows when I'll be back home."

    Funny ones? Probably the gushy smoochy ones to someone's girlfriend that get unwittingly intercepted by someone else....

    1. The booty call ones might be popular in some quarters...
      You up? Seems common

  8. My most frequently sent text is: Done
    And the last one I sent was: YDIIO
    I like coded messages.

  9. I don't own a cellphone, and have never sent a text message.

    1. I am pleased to learn that I am not the only person in the world who has not been contaminated with the cellphone virus!

    2. People here no longer speak to strangers because they are on their "devices." They walk in front of cars while looking at their devices; they are hit by drivers who are looking at their devices; they bike while looking at their devices; and when they're talking rather than texting, every fifth word is "like." I used to think that "uh" sounded pretty stupid, but now that it has been replaced by "like," I wax almost nostalgic. The older I get, the poorer my estimation of my species becomes.

  10. I have never sent a text message in my life as I have never owned a mobile phone. However, I think the the most common message would be "****! My battery is about to die!"

    1. Battery life these days is pretty good so infrequent users should never need to send that.....unless it's just a ruse?

  11. My shortest texts are when I reply with just an emoji, usually when one of my sons texts something happy to me and I agree.

    1. ah, yes! I have been slow to start using emojis but I do this, too. And extended conversations with my daughters are always finished with a heart emoji, it is a habit we developed when they were away on holidays


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