Tuesday 19 April 2022

House of Contagion

When Briony had a slight cough and decided to do a covid test, I wondered why she was bothering. The red line came up almost immediately so she'd been incubating for a while. Caitlin was already sick but didn't test positive until the next day.

The girls retreated to their room while Keaghan and I waited for signs of the virus. It took a few days but it happened and with everyone infected, we were free to leave our bedrooms.  

We're up to the 9th day of isolation now. The girls have recovered and are allowed out but Keaghan and I have to wait for a couple more days or until we are symptom free. My nose and eyes are streaming, not too serious as covid goes, but it feels like it will never stop so my isolation could last a long time yet.

I don't have a lot of concentration and my ability to self censor seems to be diminished. 

A facebook friend of mine, someone who I went to school with and havent seen since, posts a LOT of travel photos. (Actually she posts a lot of everything and it irritates me. I want to say she lacks self awareness but I'm probably jealous)

Anyways, yesterday she posted a photo of her daughter and a friend captioned "these two are good travellers"

I asked what makes a good traveller. 

"Willingness to try new experiences"

I'm still fighting my instinct to reply with "so, curiosity and the priviledge to indulge it"

I might be less grumpy next post!


  1. That woman is annoying. Yes, we all would indulge in travel, new experiences, and such if we could afford it!

    1. It made me wonder what other silly things we compliment, things that only speak to a persons luck in life

  2. Oh,I did not mean to post, but she was annoying. Your "house of contagion" is correct. I hope you feel better soon. I have not had covid, but am ruling nothing out.

    1. All of my family had been covid free through a few very close encounters and I had started to wonder if we were immune. Silly me

  3. At this time I think I am still very wary of much travel. There is still a bit too much unknown about the latest covid variant.
    Willingness just is not big with me right now!

    1. This woman went to Azerbijian just as the war broke out so she must have a different perspective to most of us

  4. I am sorry to hear that you live in a plague house - and hope that the cases continue to be mild.
    My instincts and yours match.

  5. Maybe you need to put her on 30 day exile (snooze her for 30 days) until you’re feeling more alive. Or you could unfollow (not unfriend) her….then decide at a later date whether you do actually want to see what she’s posting. I’ve had a ‘friend’ unfollowed for quite a while now and don’t miss her drivel one little bit. BTW they aren’t aware you have done this
    Oh and am sending get well wishes to all of the Tai household

    1. You know, Cathy, I have unfollowed a few people but with this one I always feel like I might miss one of her rare gems. After you suggested it, I unfollowed and felt free :)

  6. Hahahaha [laughing at your response to your FB friend, not the Covid]. I am awful on my grumpy days, and question myself if I'm jealous - sometimes I am a little jealous, and sometimes the individual I'm snarling at is being very annoying.
    Get well soon! I think my nose and eyes have been running since April 2020!!!

    1. Of course your nose runs, it's that bloke bringing his water in and splashing it everywhere!

  7. I wish you a complete and rapid recovery.

  8. I hope you recover very soon. Luckily Jenny and I haven't had covid yet. More and more people are going around without masks so I hope we don't catch the lurgy.

    1. Nick, I caught it in my own home and I was probably infected before Briony even knew she was sick. I'm not an anti-masker but I'm not going to get into blame games

  9. It's everywhere, kylie. My co-worker has three friends with it, my next door neighbours had it ... it's just a matter of time, I think. I hope you have a full recovery and that it doesn't take too long.

    1. Thanks, Jenny :) I still feel a bit strange but I'm not sick so thats ok.
      New South Wales has just gone through another small wave, which caught us on the way down so It does feel like everyone has it.

  10. If this was being grumpy, please continue to be grumpy. Get well soon anyway!

  11. "I'm still fighting my instinct to reply with 'so, curiosity and the priviledge to indulge it.'"

    Are you envious, perhaps, or just going stir crazy?

    1. yes, I'm a little envious but I also think it's really bad form to be continually showing off. "Good traveller" is hardly a character trait that a person works on, is it?
      Also, i think the fatigue from covid causes me to become a diminished or regressed version of myself

    2. I'm frustrated with unemployment, a falling down house I can't afford to fix, disability, covid.......

  12. I relate to your feelings of resentment at having things you can't do thrust in your face. I subscribe to a magazine that has a column by a man in his 70s (my age), and his column includes a photo of himself in track apparel, although track apparel has no relevance to his column. I interpret him as saying, "Ha, ha, ha, I can do what you cannot." I've thought of complaining, but would my complaint make sense, or would it just be a case of sour grapes? I lean toward the former because it seems to me that the track apparel could be replaced by a mansion or a Rolls Royce. In other words, such a photo is not just a case of saying, "This is what I look like," but a case of presenting oneself as having achieved a status that, for whatever reason, most people are incapable of.

    1. Yes, this is exactly what I mean. I don't mind the average person sharing an occasional holiday picture but this is constant and excessive

  13. Well it is April 28th now - nine days after you posted this COVID news. I am hoping and guessing that by now you are pretty much back to normal. After I had COVID I was sleeping more than usual and napping during the day which is very unlike me.

    1. Hi Neil,
      I am pretty good now, still a little breathless and tired but managing a normal routine.
      I can't imagine you ever napping!


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