Sunday 30 June 2024

The Way, My Way


Briony and I went to see "The Way, My Way" yesterday. We headed off from here at 2.15 for a 3pm session. We took the toll roads so the drive was hassle free and managed to get a park in the parking under the building. 

A coffee and a shared slice of ricotta cheesecake were a treat before we made our way to the cinema. 

This is odd, the place is packed but the seating plan looked like it would be half empty.


And somebody is in our seats! The hide of them!

What's on screen looks like a movie rather than a preview.....

Let me see the ticket, says Briony. "The ticket time is 3.30! We are crashing another film!

We hastily retreated and while waiting in the foyer we tried to look inconspicuous :)

The film was the story of an older Australian man, Bill, walking the Camino de Santiago. His pilgrimmage wasn't motivated by religion but by curiosity. Or maybe some part of him recognised the value of walking as therapy. When asked why he was walking the Camino, he said he was waiting for the Camino to show him.

His wife said she hoped it would mean she didn't need to apologise for him any more.

Bill's conversations featured and there was enough scenery to inspire a person to travel.

Reviews have called it a story of forgiveness, or a celebration of simple pleasures. Some say it was slow.

I would call it a study of the value in surrender and the pace was just right. After all, the journey of personal growth is long and rambling.

In the lift


  1. I have gone into the theater too early. I am glad you got it right. The movie sounds like a good story. Wqs there a mirror in front of the elevator to get that picture?

    1. Yes, the elevator walls were mirrored. The doors opened just as we took the photo so I'm surprised we didn't catch a picture of us shocked at the opening door

  2. I hope the Camino did show him why he was doing it. I hope that personal growth never ends. I am a chronically early bird and may have been caught out just as you two were. Love the photo.

    1. I never was chronically early but in the effort to allow for my slowness I'm becoming earlier!
      I think the Camino did show him what he was walking for

  3. I've always wanted to do an ambitious walk - around a coastline, perhaps. Maybe it's something I'll put on my bucket list.

    1. Yes, plan for one! How long are you thinking?

    2. 6 months? That's ambitious enough for me!

    3. That's pretty ambitious!

  4. Sounds like a good film to see. I have a friend who's done this walk 3 times. Cool photo in the elevator.

  5. I had to giggle at your outrage on the "taken" seats. It's happened to me too. I think I would love this film. I watched the one with Martin Sheen on the Camino a few years back. A dear friend lost her husband (I introduced them back in the day as he worked with me) he keeled over at the end of it. He was fit as a horse. One of those things.

  6. I wonder if the scenery in the film is as nice as that in Tour de France. It's nice to see a more gentle film at times.


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