Wednesday, 23 April 2008


I seem to be short of blogging inspiration right now, maybe it's too much of this:

Whatever it is, now that I've publicly said that I have nothing to say, I will undoubtedly think of something to say and make a liar of myself. Them's the breaks.

A closed mouth gathers no foot.


  1. Honey, wash the damn dishes and get over it.

  2. Oh, and thank God the kids are getting carrots and peas.

  3. Actually, I love this post! Simple and right to the point. That picture tells the story of my life. And I am crazy about the renegade pea and carrot.

  4. Don't you have such a thing as a dishwasher. You have kids, so you should have a dishwasher. Yeah, this was a funny post. Short and funny just what I needed.

  5. I also have nothing to say except mark is home on a flex day and i have been to an avon team leaders meeting this morning and on the way back went to do weekly shopping. Mark feels he has done the domestic chores to help out by doing the washing and the dishes. I ended up putting the washing detergent in the machine but he did put the first load of washing out, by the time i came home he was just putting the second load out.
    Kylie yes i know what you mean not having anything to say.

  6. hiya all,
    that's what I love about doing a new post...everyone says g'day.

    @cece, i have a dishwasher but the door got broken off and i havent got around to getting a replacement, so the dishwasher is me

    @suze, peas and carrots are the two veggies i reliably have in the house so the kids get a fair number of them. i picked up some other stuff yesterday, so tonight they have a treat: carrots and broccoli. i'm so good at variety!

    @jo, yep, housework...always with us. no wonder we run out of stuff to say!!

    @leah, well, i'm glad i managed to tell your life story in one pic...tells it for both of us, or at least it would if it was followed by a washing machine, clothes line, stove.....

    love to all

  7. For some reason this post kills me. I think because it perfectly explains my life! I walked into the kitchen today, paused, then turned around and walked out. Every day I clean that damn thing and every day it gets messed back up. Today I refused to clean it. I am so sick and tired of house work!

  8. Kylie , the answer to your lack of inspiration is the majestic SALAD CREAM.
    Excitement in a bottle :-)

  9. beast,
    i would rather.....
    oh well, never mind what i'd rather.
    nice to see you here

  10. Yes. How does it do that? Get messy over and over and over again? I marvel every day.

    See Kylie? You might feel uninspired, but your post wasn't.

    Cecile--dishwasher? what's that? oh, that's me. Tee hee.

  11. Dear Kylie,
    Uninspired you say but am inspired to try peas and carrots...after dinner we can wash the took only 15 minutes to clean up...
    take care Sweetie!
    ♥ & ((hugs))

  12. Dear Kylie,
    Uninspired you say but am inspired to try peas and carrots...after dinner we can wash the took only 15 minutes to clean up...
    take care Sweetie!
    ♥ & ((hugs))


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