Friday 17 October 2008

What a funny kind of a day I've had. Enough highs and lows to last a week, I'd reckon.
I started with good intentions to get lots of stuff done but then I got a bit distracted, a bit cranky and self pitying. I took some photos I was pleased with and promptly deleted them (by mistake of course) then went to see the girls play hockey.
I took the Taffster (our pooch) with me, there are not many places I would want to take him but the hockey was good. He had a grand old time in the park and the kids all adored him.
We came home and young Dimples had a wee hissy fit so his mother had a bigger one.
A friend of the girls' arrived mid-hissy fit for a play date I had agreed to when I had been rather better tempered. They were all sensible enough to stay outside while their ever-gracious mother pulled herself together.
Once I regained my usual state of questionable sanity I took no. 1 son to the shops to rent a dvd or two, came home and cooked dinner, discovered that Authorblog had kindly given me a mention in "post of the day", relaxed in the spa and then settled in to watch the Friday night movie with the kids.
Everything was going swimmingly until I dropped an entire, large mug of coffee on the bedroom carpet. Terrific.
Now that you have suffered all that I just have to tell you that if you haven't already seen Nanny Mc Phee (I'm terribly slow with these things) it was a visual feast. Probably not one for the blokes but full of gorgeous fabrics and colours: wonderful brocades, handmade quilts, beautiful dresses, fabulous wallpapers. It was just divine. And the young 'uns liked it too.

I don't often rave like that, now do I?


  1. FIRST!

    Sorry about losing an entire mug of coffee. The early demise of such a delight is truly heartbreaking.

    My condolences on your loss.

  2. hi bob :) :)
    you were first by an absolute mile!

    i think the only thing more heartbreaking than losing a whole cup of coffee is when you think there's more left in the cup but there's not!
    it's crushing

    enjoy your weekend

  3. Aw, Kylie, don't ya just hate to drop the coffee on the floor? We use a lot of milk in ours and the kitties are just too happy to help clean up spills. The only problem is that they take way to long to get finished ;-)

    Best wishes,


  4. hi skeeter,
    pets are great for cleaning up, we get the dog to help out a lot, he's probably more efficient than the kids :)

  5. 5th!!!

    "Hear them roar." That's Travis' post. I'm confident you will enjoy every word!

    Wow baby, that's a hard day. You okay honey? I'm laughing you know. My days are so stupid~funny I think I'm alone, but then I read this and know I'm not. Thank you!

    You have hardwood under the carpet? Take up the carpet. Make your life easier. Carpet sucks.

    Love you so much. Hang in there.


  6. Oh, forgot to mention. Love the new photo. It changed while I was writing this!!!

  7. Honey, you have to go to CSI's blog. Too funny. You're welcome.

  8. hey suze,
    when i logged in and realised i had 3 new comments i was blown away with my huge number of visitors, then i realised that it could only be you :)
    the photo was the only one i didnt delete and its the worst but hey, i could do something like MJ.
    theres a lot of stupid funny around here, you are certainly not the only one
    thanks for the tip off about csi. the man is too funny, love your red dress and i'm thinking of changing my name to "sniper nerd"


  9. Kylie,

    Shut up!!! God you make me laugh. I just went to Brian's blog and ask him officially, "Who's in red?" I know it's you. You sound taller. I'm only 5'1 1/2". I'm the Lepruchan. Honey I'm too exhausted to think for both of us, so help me out here.

    I love that photo of you. It looks like your boobies are all puffed up! You stacked? Wow, the guys are gonna love it!!! KEEP IT!!! Oh sure, I'll bug you about it forever. What are sistas for?

    And yes, I agree, there is a lot of stupid/funny around here. Thank God I'm not alone. And about our honorable mention on Brian's blog. WOW!!! We're almost nerds honey!!! Start a new blog or change your name baby! You know we're going to have to keep up with the Nerds now. I was just getting used to keeping up with the Jones. Life is so complicated.

    I love you my dear. Hope you're having a great day, evening, night, morning...whatever!


  10. hey suze,
    i think thats my round shoulders you're looking at :)
    the boobies are covered by a very old boob tube, which i couldnt possibly put in the photo.
    goodness, if i was seen in an eighties boob tube i'd be a laughing stock forever, this way it should be over by 2050

    im sitting here waiting for a telco man to come and change our internet service so i can blog more, oops that should read "so the kids can do more internet research"
    i'm not terribly happy, i've just had two days off work and now they decide to send a technician when i was supposed to be working
    i wonder if the company can manage without me for another half day?

    well, have fun in my green dress.
    oh yeah, how do i sound tall???

    i'm not sure how tall i am but 5'8" or thereabouts


  11. See, you are taller! You deserve the red dress you, you, you, nerd you!!!! I knew you were taller. I don't know how, but you just sound taller.

    And you know what, that is your shoulder. I didn't realize that, but when you mentioned it I took a closer look and yup, that's a shoulder, not a boob! It's funny how things aren't always what they seem. HI HONEY!!! God that's funny. I thought you'd just had a bad boob job!!! Nice shoulder.

    You still wearing boob tubes??? Oh dear lord. I'm over at the cafe in an $8 Walmart nightgown and Bob had the audacity to tell me to put something respectable on like my $300 pink trench coat to cover up my nightie. Hell, I thought he'd ask me to take it off!!! That man's nutty! No wonder he's single!!! He has to hang around women like us more often!

    Love you darling.
    XO ;)

  12. of course he should have told you to take it off!!

  13. Kylie... when women are around me they generally tend to put on more clothes. That way they don't catch cold as they run away in terror.

  14. that might be true bob ( though i doubt it)
    either way, you dont need to pre-empt it, do you?

    a friend of mine once asked why i put myself down all the time, now i'm asking you?
    it's a self fulfillling prophecy you know

    such a full on democrat cant, just cant, possibly, be so bad

    be kind to yourself
    there, i believe they are kisses

    for you

  15. *Runs to Bob and smothers him in a pink trench coat and kisses.* Kylie, you are absolutely correct my dear woman. Bob, knock it off! God I love you two. *Runs to Kylie and smothers her in a pink trench coat and kisses!*

    Ugh, just wrote a post after dealing with the STUPID DMV. Yes, I still have some hair. No, I didn't pull it all out. I'm going over to Brian's to have a good laugh while looking at the two of us dressed for the Nerd Convention. God I love the photo. What an honor! That's one to cherish.

    Love you darling. Hope you're having a good day. Okay, night. Right?

    XO ;)

  16. Kylie, I was just at CSI's and started laughing so hard. Look closely at the beautiful woman in red. She's stacked, just like you!!! See how that boob can be mistaken for a shoulder!!! Then look at the one in green. Yup, flat as a pancake. That's me!!! I'm going to print the photo and stick it on my bulletin board. I LOVE IT!!! Brian deserves a special Christmas present for this one.

    XO ;)

  17. i did indeed notice that mrs red is stacked, it's the only time i ever will be.....but i wanted ms greens dreadlocks :(

    it'morning here and i think you should be having lunch? stop tearing hair out and eat, you'll feel better


  18. Thanks for the comment and the pointer. Coffee stains are tough to remove - but try soda.

    Seriously. It removes red wine.


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