Saturday 22 November 2008

oh boy, oh boy, oh boy......

my customer feedback team here at eclectica are getting the idea that all of this thanksgiving is getting boring and i have to admit that there is something to be said for a bit of anger, controversy, sarcasm and just plain bitterness. who likes it when they're surrounded by sweetness and light? what woman never fancied a bad boy? why is Texas Chainsaw Massacre altogether more famous than Anne of Green Gables? why does a car smash grab attention?

you know what cheeses me off?
on most days i go to work after dropping the young ones at school. it's not entirely neccessary because they can walk no prob, but i like to be home in the mornings. it's good for my blood pressure. picture it

have you had breakfast?
well we have to go in ten minutes
i don't want to go
you have to go. it's the law.
i'm not going
can you put your uniform on while you think about it?

punctuated by
"muuuummyyyyyy, she pushed me"
"she hit me firrrrst"
"no, i didn't"
"yes, she diiiiiid, her little finger stuck up my nooooose"

you ready?
got your lunch?
uh, no
got your homework?
i hate homework
did you do your teeth?
you'll get holes
don't care
they hurt
don't care

i go through all of this because i know they like me to be around. then i get to work about an hour or hour and a half after the others. i'm allowed to do that. i'm a casual. they put me off for a day when they want and i show up late or leave early when i want. it's the deal.

anyway, i get to work and some wise cracking joe always says "good afternoon"
guys, it's not funny anymore
actually, it never was. i was just good natured about it for the first 500 times

can't they just accept that i'll be late some days?
can't they just accept that as a casual i'm not actually obliged to show up at any particular time?
most of all, can't they respect my wishes about what kind of a mum i want to be?

thankfully they don't say it every day

i might murder someone


  1. So, who's whose a grumpy bum then?

    They say, if you think the art of conversation is dead, try aking a child to go to bed.

    Have a lovely weekend

  2. hi kooka!

    kooka is dangerously close to kooky, you know? :)

    not really grumpy, just trying to be less of the sweetness and light

    and it worked, you commented!!!


    enjoy the weekend

  3. yeah I knew that you weren't. Just stirring ;)

  4. Special,

    I can just picture the scene now - harrassed mom trying to get her brood out on time, but with various distractions and non-attempts at homework, mother finally goes insane and rants on blog. Oh hang on, isn't that what just happened??

    love it sweetie, and hope you're well and gorgeous.
    Peej xxx

  5. Hey, I think I can relate. Except I would have probably decked the wise ass that told me Good Afternoon. You see, I'm not as sweet and innocent as I appear to be. Sometimes, I can be down right murderous. And yes, motherhood can cause temperary insanity. Also, I got your email. I just wanted to say thanks for thinking of me, and for praying for me. Trust me, I need the prayers more than you realize. I keep putting on my brave face, but inside I'm dying, but if I keep fooling everyone else, perhaps, eventually, I will fool myself too!.


go on, leave a comment or four.