Wednesday 12 November 2008

thanks #12

i'm not actually blogging now................
this is an apparition which i may regret when i have to get out of bed in the morning

i have said before that i think, or at least hope, i live with gratitude every day but thinking of specifics to blog about is quite a discipline so today i was having a little rest while i waited for a fresh idea or two tomorrow.

then, in my last "quick" look at the computer for the night i noticed that brian of csi seattle fame described me sometime back as "my good friend kylie"

bri, mate, i'm flattered. i read a post or two, chuck my two bobs worth in and i get to be your good friend?

i'm so grateful for the friendship offered by bloggers. i know there are rude, ignorant, obnoxious people out there in blogland but i haven't met any yet.


  1. I'm lovin this gratitude series... Makes me think of things to be grateful for too...


    Love, M

  2. I'm thankful for these friendships too--they're not like any other friendships I've ever had, and they're wonderful. One good thing about the age of technology--in this way, it's not isolating as people have suggested, but rather world-expanding!

    I'm also really glad you're doing this thankful series. It's been fun so far, hasn't it?


  3. Hi Special,

    I have to admit that friendship from Blogdom is a wonderful thing - the only problem is finding the time to read up on everybody! I suppose it means that I actually have more of a life now! In Moscow there was nothing to do in the evenings - well, there was but it was too scary. But now I'm in London, time just seems to be spent doing other things!
    Hope you're well honey!
    Peej xxx

  4. Are you kidding me?! Of course we're friends. We pour our hearts out, share our families, talk about our dreams and desires, and say things that we wouldn't say to anyone in person.

    I think that on a very unique level, we have gotten to know each other very well. Your coolness comes through in your writing and I like it. I think that if I lived in Australia, we would get along just fine and our families would be hanging out together.

    That's what I think.

  5. hey m,
    if you get any more wholesome i'll have to ban you or else you'll show me up!


  6. leah :)
    thanks for starting the series!

    bye for now, not forever

  7. peej :)
    you party animal!


  8. brian :)

    of course you're right !

    what a guy

    cheque's in the mail


  9. It's nice to have extended friendships like this. Makes the world a much better place!

    Best wishes,


  10. Sweet! I've yet to meet anyone rude of obnoxious on the blog, but then when I'm dancing in my own world and people spin in for a whirl it gets to be so fun I would hardly notice if a grumpy one left the party to go muttering off to the hinterlands of grumpsville. Even if they did gripe at me I'd just blow a kiss back and wave as they left. Havin' too much fun to get dragged down. (I have enough stumbling blocks in my own psyche -- don't need to import stuff.)
    Thanks for being thankful -- it really livens up the blog to meet so many happy folks. : D

  11. "i know there are rude, ignorant, obnoxious people out there in blogland but i haven't met any yet."

    *wonders what he has to do to get some recognition around here* hee hee..

    i like your post and agree with you too!!!

  12. #You and me, can we be buddies,
    #You and me, can we be pals,
    #That's what friendship is.#

    Here's to a great weekend.

  13. hi skeeter,
    have a wonderful weekend

    bless ya

  14. debbie,
    grumpsville is a great name!

    I hope youre doing well and feeling the joy that IS there

    bless ya

  15. zack
    i hope you didnt bring your dogs with you!

    you wanna be careful, i'm getting the idea you're quite the sweetie


  16. kooka

    are you dancing as you sing?

    have a great weekend



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