Saturday, 8 November 2008

thanks #8

A few days ago I heard part of a radio interview with a doctor who felt a need to play music in the Children's Hospital where she worked so she went about commissioning music and now has developed a range of CDs designed to be soothing.

The website says it all so I quote most of the page without shame:

"Hospital can be a scary place for children. Dr Catherine Crock is a physician and mother who knows this all too well, working with children with cancer at the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne.
She decided to do something to reduce their distress, so she teamed up with some of Australia's foremost professional musicians who have volunteered their time to create a collection of unique CDs to help children and their parents during medical procedures.
The result is the HUSH collection, a special compilation of soothing music designed to calm and relax people of all ages. It is
used within Children's Hospitals in operating theatres, treatment rooms, wards and waiting areas, as well as to manage unsettled babies.
The Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne has now formed an historic alliance with the eleven other Children's hospitals and wards in Australia. The HUSH collection is supported by all these hospitals and the proceeds are shared between them. Each hospital can use the funds to best suit their needs, for instance pain management for children with cancer, research into blood vessel tumours, palliative care and music therapy."

I'm grateful for the HUSH project, for the inspiration behind it, the effort put in by musicians and marketing people, technical experts.......I'm sure there are many I can't imagine.
I'm thankful for the difference it makes to sick children, distressed parents and stressed hospital staff. I'm also thankful that somebody decided to report on it.


  1. I need a copy for:

    My office
    My living room
    My car
    My kitchen

    As you can tell, I need a lot of soothing!

  2. hey bob,
    theres a lot of cds
    jazz, classic, choral....

    8 in all, thats one for each spot you mention, plus a bonus!

    while you're here, the water jug needs filling


  3. That's a brilliant idea--while I'm here, I'll add my thanks for that too!!

  4. Yeah this was such a great idea,

    They've been playing it in the triage area/emergency front desk for a while now.... and i tell ya it soothes not so much the kids but some of the parents that have been waitin hours to be seen ;);)

    Highly recommend it,

    Love, M


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