Wednesday 29 August 2018


Today was a good day. First I met up with my seniors group and had coffee with ricotta and honey toast (you should try it)
Then I had lunch with a past client who has become a friend. Funnily enough, I haven't actually met little J before even though I was at the hospital with his mum for 24 tough hours. I was not allowed into theatre so I didn't see his entry to the world and then he was too unwell for visitors.
He is quite well now and seemed to be telling me something important about cars.
Big sister, Libby was articulate and beautifully behaved.


  1. It looks and sounds like a most excellent day.

  2. Knowing you played your part in Little J's birth must be a very satisfying feeling.

    1. It is! I'm also flattered that a client of 15 months ago wants to have lunch!

  3. What beautiful children. Sounds like a wonderful day.

    1. An antidote to all that is wrong with the world :)

  4. Lovely little faces! Children have a way of taking you outside of yourself. Actually, people in general do that, I suppose. Maybe I need to get out more right now!

  5. Getting out is nearly always therapeutic, at least for me it is. A little sun, a different view.....


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