Thursday 30 August 2018


I mostly try to be reasonable, pleasant and sociable but alongside my best self there is a dark side which will not gladly suffer any fool.
By strange coincidence, the last couple of weeks I have come close-ish to three incidents involving the police. One was an assault on one of the residents at my workplace, then there was an armed hold up in the shops near work (my local shops throughout childhood and barely changed)
Then today there was a shooting a few blocks away.

And here's the rant:
These events get people so worked up and it drives me to distraction. People with the most tenuous links to these things find it almost obligatory to insert themselves into the story.
I was at the docs today, three blocks from the shooting but the receptionist managed to be involved in the story because her own mother was afraid to answer the door to her.
One colleague of mine couldn't sleep until 2am simply because a police helicopter flew over work 12 hours earlier.
The on-site child care was placed in lock down because cops were seen on the street.
Sometimes I wanna shake people. The planet is dying and children are homeless and there is hysteria over a long gone gunman who is probably not interested in the average person.

What gets on your tits?


  1. What gets on my tits is long bureaucratic delays in dealing with simple requests and simple paperwork. My mum died on June 3 and I'm still awaiting a grant of probate so I can pass on the various legacies. My mum's estate wasn't at all complicated but the probate registry is taking forever and a day to grant probate.

    1. First world problems, eh Nick?
      You just can't wait to buy a sparkling new prius

    2. First world problems? I'm sure there are people inheriting large sums of money in so-called third world countries. They have their share of wealthy elites. As for the Prius, I have a very unimpressive four-year-old Renault Clio. And no plans for anything fancy.

  2. I guess in our own way we all like the Andy Warhol 15 minutes of fame. If someone has to make the story be about them, so be it. I will listen and nod sympathetically, walk away and promptly forget it.

    1. You are so right! Why create more drama. I must channel some zen

  3. Like Anne I can let most things roll off of my back. But I get shivers down said back at these words... "assembly required"...and the instructions are in Chinese!! Gahhhhh!

    1. Haha! No Ikea furniture for you, then! Although at least Ikea instructions are in English

  4. Right. You've got that off you're chest Kylie. LOL.
    When there is not much excitement in your life you've gotta grab what's going around. And it seems there's been a bit in your part of town this week.
    Dumb drivers annoyed me today & I was a pedestrian. A driver stopped halfway across the pedestrian crossing at an intersection. So, what's the problem? The pedestrians can walk in front of his vehicle, and if they're in a hurry they can take their chances against the oncoming cars. Right turning car carrier can't complete his turn due to vehicle too far forward in intersection. Car carrier driver brakes, stops, blasts on his horn. Blocking vehicle doesn't move. The lights are on & nobody is home. Lights change to green, we pedestrians wait for driver to back up. Car carrier is blocking intersection. Ah, the penny drops at last and driver backs up. What are these people thinking? Don't answer that.
    Oh, I think there's a police helicopter overhead. Now I won't sleep a wink.
    Oh, what an ordinary little life I lead.

    1. Go and look for a sensible driver, the search will exhaust you and you'll be asleep in no time!
      Hey Alphie, this is a phone post, how about that?

    2. I'll look out for a sensible driver today - I know they're our there somewhere.
      Well done with the phone posting, I don't know that I'd have enough patience..

  5. Never having lived anywhere near a a couple of gun 'events' I'm not sure what my reaction would be. It wouldn't be likely to stop me sleeping though.

    1. I suspect your life has been truly interesting, no need for manufactured drama

  6. Maybe people are truly alarmed due to deadly shootings and rampages in other places, a little PTSD in everyone who reads the papers or listens to the news . . .

    What gets on my nerves . . . people who are all talk, the "sales" people of the world, the people who are self-centred and swaggery and like to hear themselves go on and on and on . . .

    Hey, maybe we are talking about the very same thing, kylie!!

    1. Yes Jenny, I did hesitate in posting this for just a millisecond because I don't know what factors influence people.
      I do think we might be talking about the same people, the ones who manage to make any story, their story 😉

  7. Cruelty gets on my tits. And self importance. And superiority (often imaginary). And drama queens. Rather too many things are loading my tits down it seems. My bra has a big job.

  8. I laughed out loud at your bra comment, you win best comment!

    1. So did I (LOL that is). I do agree with your list, EC!

  9. Teenagers/youngsters drag racing on public roads with silencers removed.

    1. here in NSW, drag racing results in immediate confiscation of the car by police. it works well most of the time!

  10. Self service check outs that go wrong and you have to ask for assistance. The reason I used it was so I wouldn't need assistance.

    1. oh yes, been there, done that!
      i hate it most when a sale item scans at the original price and then you have to make a fuss to get a discount of a dollar or something.

  11. It annoys me so bad that I want to carry a gun just to get attention--I hate to be talking to a clerk when his/her phone rings and the clerk immediately answers the phone, store cell, and carries on a conversation with a person phone shopping. I have started saying in a loudish voice, "Excuse me. I was in the middle of a sentence when you rudely turned your attention to your customer on the phone. You ignored the person talking and took another customer ahead of me." The guy almost fainted and told the person on the phone to hold one moment.

    I have a version of this to use when I am talking to an employeed and another employee interrupts me and starts talking personal or business with MY clerk.

    To me this is like breaking in line.

    I had a friend who had to be or thought he was the corpse at every funeral and the bride at every wedding. This is in reference to people with tenuous connections to events. It has to be all about them and their feelings.

    1. i once went to a very small store and the owner didn't stop talking on the phone, in Chinese, for the entire time she served me. I will never go there again.

      "the corpse at every funeral" is a fantastic turn of phrase! that's exactly what i mean!


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