Wednesday 24 October 2018


The spotlight has been on the Invictus games this week, I don't know if people are talking about the games everywhere but it's certainly a regular topic of conversation here in Sydney.

I'm pleased to have The Popular Prince here with his up -the- duff Princess, they were the best dressed people in this chronic style desert. I'm pleased that there is a spotlight on our war wounded, it will create a little bit of sorely needed extra awareness and I'm pleased that one of the world's most privileged people has chosen to use his profile for good.

I'm afraid that is where my pleasedness ends:

Collectively, we send our youngest, healthiest people off to wars that we most likely shouldn't be waging. They suffer horrific, life changing injury to their bodies and minds and we largely abandon them like that. Some of them, somehow manage to drag themselves out of the metaphoric mud and become elite athletes at which point we put them in a modern day side show alley to be used as entertainment. When they have shown us their very best we condescendingly pat them on the back for having enough grit to live life, congratulate ourselves for being .....what? compassionate? enlightened?
......or for noticing the poor buggers for a moment.
Then, with our warm and fuzzy feelings we return to our lives and let them fend for themselves in a society which has no genuine concern and where many of last weeks heros die by their own hands.

Invictus means invincible and after all of that, I think the athletes well and truely qualify for the title.


  1. One of my favourite events whether or not the royals extend their patronage. I wish that they would get more coverage and attention than they do now. It would be great if sportsgoods manufacturers could use participants to promote their products too.

    1. More attention would be a good thing! I expect some sporting goods manufacturers just might be offering some sponsorships soon

  2. I don't hear anything about Invictus here. Maybe we don't have them Ill have to check.

    1. I assumed that being a Commonwealth country you would be exposed to it, although I don't think it's particularly a Commonwealth event

    2. They were held in Toronto, Canada in 2017!

  3. Sigh.
    I agree with you. Rather a lot.
    And am appalled that this week's Prime Minister made a speech comparing his battered party to the Invictus athletes.
    Sorry sunshine, not even in the ball park. And your self induced injuries can be healed.
    Sorry for the rant.

    1. I didn't know he said that, what idiocy.
      And please, never apologise to me for ranting

  4. Wonderful points, and well made, kylie. And you've taught me a new expression - up the duff!!

  5. We have little Jack in Coronation Street struggling to come to terms with the loss of a limb due to Sepsis and he is meeting Invictus champions. I like how soaps try to raise awareness - they may not always get it right... and people sometimes complain... but it's good that they try.

    1. Soaps educated me on a lot of topics, it's a good medium.

  6. I heartily agree with your last two paragraphs. It's much the same in the UK. People applaud our "brave lads" going off to some dubious conflict, and then when they return home physically and mentally shattered they don't get the extensive help they need to rebuild their lives. They're often left to fend for themselves as you say.

    1. Yes, I applaud the games but we need to do more

  7. My partner keeps telling me off when I use the expression "Knocked up", so I'm going to change it to "Up the duff" and say that Kylie used it, so it must be okay.

    I'm anti war.

    1. Haha, yes, I'm sure my authority will keep you out of trouble!

  8. There is certainly a lot more that could be done to help our vets. My dad was a vet from WWII and he had to fight the gov't for everything that he needed. He was very tenacious thankfully. But those severely injured or with mental health issues face an uphill battle and can't all do it on their own.

    1. I think we are getting better at looking after vets but it's slow progress!

  9. Old men send young men to war to protect their interests. Old men should go fight the wars they dream up. "up the duff" So, that means to get pregnant? That seems vulgar to me. But, the Queen thinks "pregnant" is a vulgarity.

    1. I suppose up-the-duff is slightly vulgar although i just regard it as slang. I dislike "preggers" with a passion

  10. I rarely hear anything about Invictus here, but, I never watch sports. Maybe others hear more.

    1. The USA has the Warrior games which was actually the inspiration for Invictus

  11. I think Invictus is wonderful. I for one am not sure how I could or would cope with those kinds of injuries, be they mental or physical. I guess they (we) are all just cannon fodder to the "powers that be right?". I have 2 sons and could not imagine either of them having to go off to fight a war they don't believe in (a war about oil/money!!).

    1. One of my boys was considering joining the military and I was very grateful that he has super flat feet and would never pass a medical

  12. Meant to say, my grandfather fought in the Dardanelles in WW1 and was shipped back home wounded. My dad and his brothers in WWII - uncle Phil lost a foot in Singapore. Today we seem to be "starting" wars about oil and money. Just look at how they a$$$ lick to the oil producing countries. I read a fabulous book (not sure it's in English but I read it in French) called Soraya, about the hedonism of Khadaffi. At one point she mentions the fat cat leaders visiting Khadaffi and leaving meetings with him with bags full of cash. She even mentioned Tony Blair and his big Cheshire cat smile - didn't say he left with a bag of cash but .....

    1. I feel as though I have heard of Soraya and not many books cross my radar...I must look it up


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