Monday 8 June 2020


It's Monday evening of the June long weekend, just me and Harry are at home, there is  miso eggplant in the oven and I'm sipping a rather delicious mojito mocktail. There are jonquils on the table, their sweet perfume and perky little clusters of sunshine make me smile.
The long weekend has been full of family and food. Not a bad combination though I sometimes feel as though I should have more dimensions.
I crave cake but there is no cake in the house (for good reason, like cake cravings) and it's too cold to go out anywhere looking for it. Also, I'm in pyjamas. And my egg yolk yellow fleece. I'd probably get arrested if I went out like this.
Saying I would get arrested if I went out like this was meant to be a mildly funny commentary on my appearance but it strikes me that people are indeed arrested, shot even, because of the clothes they wear. Remember Trayvon Martin?
I sat down to write a post about George Floyd, or at least about the events following his death and then I just didn't have my head in the game so I waffled about eggplant and cake but somehow we have ended up back at racism.
I have been very reluctant to say much in the wake of the murder, reluctant to be seen as virtue signalling, reluctant to say the wrong thing (I've seen plenty of tone deaf commentary) and reluctant to be forever crusading.  My social media is full of posts about injustices or the environment or whatever issue is grabbing my attention for the day and I don't want to do so much of it that people stop engaging because it's all too much. At the same time, social media tells me that the black community is crying out for support so slowly, carefully, I try to amplify the voices of the marginalised and oppressed.
So today, a stream of consciousness, another day something better articulated, if I think of anything of value.


  1. You've changed the appearance of your blog. Is this the New Blogger which I hear is going to be with us by end June?
    What do I think about it - not that you've asked - well, I like the daisy effect but it's difficult to read on my phone.
    That will not stop me from reading, as I look forward to your new posts.
    And no, I don't recall Trayvon Martin, this could be because I don't spend any time on other social media or because, dare I say this, these killings happen all too often.
    I've now stepped aside from world events and all the accompanying rants, chatter and divisiveness to consider problems more relative to this country.
    I eventually finish up in that territory where the mantra is: talk's cheap, action's what we want.
    That's my stream of consciousness for today.
    Take it or leave it


    1. i don't think it's the new blogger, just a different design. I really liked that one with the daisy but it was hard to read, hopefully this is better.

      Taryvon Martin was shot because he was wearing a hoodie and "looked suspicious". It must be ten years ago now

  2. Have you moved to New Blogger? I am quite alarmed at having to do so. There are blue shadows on your screen, but then again I see it on a full screen PC so it might not be so troubling on my android.

    My eyes are not behaving themselves lately.

    Yes, BLM but heavens, the nearly 200 women murdered by those who supposedly love them every day in the world should bother us also.


    1. It was a lot worse on android! Hopefully this works, I have always changed the appearance of my blog occasionally, there comes a day when it's just not what I want anymore!

      Yes, a domestic violence death happens every week in Australia

  3. When I say I understand both the cake cravings and not keeping cake around, it is something I live and breathe.
    I think we all want everyone treated with parity.

    1. I found some crepes my daughter made. I'd forgotten about t hem and they can't be too calorie dense can they? they are so thin :)

  4. Good title!
    I leave political ponderings to those who do it better then add my support. I know I'm a lightweight.

    1. lightweight! haha yes, we all are. Maybe i should remember it too :)

  5. I soooo understand.
    And you DO amplify those voices. Those evergrowing voices.

    1. despite my handwringing and so on, I did manage to gently rebutt an "all lives matter" comment on my fb page. I ihope it generates thought

  6. I understand too. I find it hard to know what to say because even among the black community there is disagreement as to what is appropriate or helpful. As a small example, as you may have seen, the mayor of Washington had BLACK LIVES MATTER painted in huge yellow letters on the street leading to the White House. I've read commentary from blacks both condemning this as a stunt and praising it as a message to Trump. So which one is it? And who am I to add my two cents worth? I can imagine, but cannot know, how frightening it is to have any skin but white in this white world.

    I do like your post, no matter what. You always paint a picture with your words. And I love the new blog look. The only reservation I have is that it appears as a shadow behind the written area and that messes with my eyes! Is this a New Blogger choice? How I am NOT looking forward to making my way in the new version!

    1. How is this on your eyes?
      I think i got this version of blogger as "new" a lot of years ago. I wanted to try out some new looks and then I couldn't go back to the old one. I'm not sure if it's what you will move to but it's not so hard

    2. Yes, this version of your background and printed area seems much easier to read. Very good - and pretty!

  7. I do not comment on it either. I understand the why people are angry and they have a right to be angry but I am not a protester. At least not yet. I wonder how bad things need to get before I protest. I wonder what could affect me that much that I feel the need to express me anger too.

    1. I attended protests when I was younger but these days it's too much effort. I'm also not sure what they achieve, I can probably make more impact with the way i vote and the way I treat people. I hope so anyway

  8. Yes, sometimes one has to stop and think about what you're posting.I try to stop myself when I feel that I don't knoW about the issue.

    1. When I started thinking, I had some ideas but they weren't well formed so it was best not to force it

  9. When I first read this I had no idea where to start or what I could usefully contribute. Nothing has changed a day later. I think I was too startled by your pyjamas and egg-yolk fleece and you getting arrested. If your pjs are pink then obviously unless they were colour blind the police would arrest you but some colours go really well with yellow.

    1. Hi Graham,
      It's a strange post so you're doing well! The PJs are grey, which is ok with yellow. It's just a LOT of yellow😊

  10. Kylie,
    I want chocolate cake, but that would mean I have to bake it. The stores are closed early for the curfew. So, I will just think about it. The page is hard to read because there are little blobs of color moving as I try to read. Very hard to read.

    1. I thought I'd found an easy read design but it looks like I'm back to the drawing board.
      What time is curfew?

  11. Your blog looks fine to me!

    The black community needs the support of the white community just as female feminists need the support of male feminists. That's the only way to have real equality.

    1. I fiddled with the design a bit more. Hopefully it's ok now, even for bad eyes

  12. Is impersonating a banana a crime in Australia?

    1. Impersonating a banana is not a crime but causing offence might be :)

  13. It's hard to say anything about George Floyd that hasn't been said a hundred times already. Also, as you say, it's easy to fall into some virtue-signalling spiel. I just think it's encouraging that there have been so many protests about his death, and so many secondary initiatives like the demands to defund the police and remove statues of slave traders.

    You seem to me to have plenty of dimensions. Not a problem!

  14. This is a good and insightful post. Like you, I hesitate to engage too much for fear that it might be for the wrong reasons (i.e. virtue signaling) or at the very least wouldn't add anything of value to the conversation. I also think there's enough distress and unrest stewing in the world without me adding my puny outrage to the mix. I don't know. Sometimes I think the best thing white people like me can do is shut up and listen.

    1. Shut up and listen is always a good response!

  15. Also, I wish I could give you a slice of the Lemon Pound cake I made. It turned out great! Cake always makes things better. 😊

    1. I agree. Cake is good in all moods and seasons


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