Saturday, 2 January 2021

Haiku 2

I have quite enjoyed my Christmas Haiku series and I have decided I'll continue with the project. Quietly I wonder if I can write one every day for a year so I'll just start out writing and numbering and we'll see how far I get.

The plan is to write and set them on automatic posting so my usual attempts to answer all comments before making a new post won't work, it doesn't mean I 'm ignoring you though!

Feathered rainbows

chatter, shreik, cheep and play

shredding pink blossoms


  1. You don't need any advice from me, because you will write a haiku every day.
    No serious writer waits for inspiration, writers keep notebooks in their pockets, whether they are gardening or out walking, and jot down images and insights.

    *Writing and Enjoying Haiku - A Hands-on Guide* by Jane Reichhold (2002) published by Kodansha is worth ordering online.
    I don't write poetry but I am fascinated by prosody and poetic theory.
    I don't play the piano but I'm fascinated by pianists, classical or jazz.

    Your January haiku (*chatter shreek cheep* is so agreeably physical) reminds me that our winter is your summer.
    My father was ready to emigrate to Australia in the late 1950s, but my mother would not leave her brothers.

    1. Jazz piano, now that's something!
      I'm not the kind of writer who takes notes unless I have the eventual piece already in mind but I have been writing little word combinations on scraps of paper lately😊

      Migration is a terribly difficult thing and who knows what your life might have been in Australia but a miserable or resentful mum wouldn't have helped.

    2. Thanks to YouTube we can now see such jazz pianists as Bud Powell and Dave Brubeck. Last time I looked there was a BBC film on Brubeck's life and career.

      Also YouTube: Bill Evans My Foolish Heart with perceptive comments below.
      And a video on Bill Evans accompanying Tony Bennett.

  2. Lovely.
    Rainbow lorikeets give me feathered enchantment each time they visit.

    1. The flowering gum in my front yard is in flower at the moment so there's a few around all day, every day. It's delightful

  3. I'm picturing feather rainbows. Happy new Year!

    1. My mum had a rainbow feather duster once but I don't think that's what you're picturing!
      Look up rainbow lorikeets

    2. Happy new year to you and yours, Joe!

  4. I know I am a week late with this, but I have only just watched an impressive interview on YouTube. Maybe you can write a haiku about it.

    *Author Colin Nicholl reveals the Great Christ Star was a comet in his new book,
    The Great Christ Star.*
    Eric Metaxas Radio Show, December 22 2020.

    Dr. Nicholls who grew up in Northern Ireland is a New Testament scholar, studied at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, and has a Ph.D. from Oxford University.
    So the Lukean narrative of a star at Bethlehem is not a fairy tale or myth.

  5. Nice challenge! I wish I could stick with my challenges, but have now ordered some notebooks to help me organise myself.

    1. I'll probably get to day five and get distracted. I have a few notebooks with two pages used!


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