Thursday 24 February 2022


 My car is due for registration in just two days and I haven't had it inspected yet. My husband always put his name on the rego for every car and I was always a "driver" rather than an owner. When he left here, he took the car he drove and left mine. I couldn't afford to buy it from him and I didn't think he would be prepared to just transfer the ownership so I continued to drive it as his (and my toll charges went to him).

After some time I asked if we could transfer the car to my name and he agreed but there was some kind of issue with the transfer so I didn't get it done.

This year, I was going to make the transfer of ownership before the registration was due but I had trouble doing an online transfer and waited until he could physically sign it over. All of that ate up the time and I finally own the car (my first car, at 50!) but I haven't managed to get the new ownership papers. 

Anyway, all this is to say that I delayed the inspection until I had papers in my name and now it's not inspected and I haven't wanted to go to the mechanics in the storms we've been having so I'm on a bit of a deadline! I think today is the day and I just need to cross my fingers that it's roadworthy, I've had a lot of work done on it over the last couple of years so I'll be very disappointed if it doesn't pass! 

She needs a new roof lining and a good polish. Unlike other bloggers cars, she remains un-named.


  1. Some things can get very complicated. Get it done as it has possibilities to become more complicated.

    1. Yep! If it's not registered, it's not insured.

  2. My car does not have a name, either. I hope it passes inspection.

    1. It needs a new windscreen, different mechanics have overlooked the "star" in the screen for a couple of years but not this time!

  3. My best wishes that all goes well and the bureaucrats don't hassle you.

    1. I've just had the windscreen replaced by a lovely young man. The final inspection should be easy!

  4. Because of covid and the safety measures adopted in the MOT centres (what you would call inspection centres?) there's a huge backlog of MOT testing in Northern Ireland that hasn't been cleared yet.

    I hope your car passes okay. As long as the brakes and tyres are in good condition, it should be roadworthy enough.

    1. We don't have MOT centres here, pretty much any mechanic can do an inspection and then we pay the road tax online. In the old days it was much harder!
      I had to replace the windscreen but I can't complain, I've avoided it for a few years

  5. Yeah I name my cars. Desperately needed in snow and ice times when they get stuck and need massive encouragement.

    Good luck with all you have to do to get this done. Looks like a reliable ride, I must say.


    1. My mum used to talk to her car when it needed choke. Remember those days?
      It has been a super reliable car and didn't cost a dime for the first few years we had it

  6. She looks a tidy little motor and she needs a name. I am going to suggest Julia after Australia's first female prime minister.

  7. Good luck with the car.
    Adulting is tough - you're doing better at it than me.

    1. I know you're just on the edge of your seat waiting to find out about it! It's all good and roadworthy for another year.
      Adulting is tough but I'm not sure I would want to be a kid again, there's no autonomy in that

  8. I missed the boat on this post; you've been and done and are on the go again. Glad it wasn't a massive amount of work required. Here if you take your car for what we call a safety inspection, if it doesn't pass you have only ten days to have it rectified or it fails inspection (and you have to pay for a second inspection after getting it repaired). The way things have been during the pandemic with difficulty in getting parts, I was worried my vehicle might not pass and I wouldn't be able to get it fixed in the allotted time. So I first took it for a repair I knew it needed, and asked the shop to check everything else before actually doing the formal inspection. Luckily it was okay. I know that worried feeling for sure.

    1. it's very similar here, we have 14 days to rectify issues or it has to be done before the due date, which ever is first.
      I have to say, I get the feeling that mechanics mostly don't document the first inspection. Or maybe I just think that because I get the inspection so close to the due date that I don't have time to fluff around.
      It's smart to get your mechanic to look the car over before it is going to be a make or break situation.
      The windscreen repairer was just lovely. I hope I don't need another one in any hurry but if I did, I'd use them again


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