Wednesday 13 September 2023


I don't think I posted here about the night I drove across several suburbs to buy a rice cooker. I left home early in anticipation of traffic, got a great run and sat in my car for a good while, waiting for the meeting time. Then I found out I had mistaken one shopping centre for another in the same suburb and had to get to the correct place in double quick time. The seller was not visible at the meeting point and by the time she showed up I was over it, gave her  the cash, took the cooker and left without a lot of thought.

As it turned out, the "new" cooker was still in the box it was purchased in but it had sat in somebody's spare room for at least 20 years, was ridiculously over sized and just not what I wanted. I realised all this on my way home as the warning "caveat emptor" rang uncomfortably loudly in my head. 

When I got home, the first thing I saw was that Lucy had got access to the bin and dragged a multitude of grotty bits of packaging all over the floor.

Having cleaned that up, I opened the fridge to start getting some food and the shelf in the fridge door collapsed, dropping a dozen bottles of sauces and condiments on the floor. Two of them smashed so there was an unholy mess of glass and oyster sauce to clean up.

Well, I ordered a new shelf for the fridge and it took a full two weeks, if not more, to get here. It arrived yesterday and we opened it to find that I had ordered the wrong part, despite thinking I was being super careful to get the correct part.

The shelf I ordered is designed to be at he bottom of the door and is subsequently deeper than a middle shelf. It fits but it would probably be a bit of a pest so now I have to decide if I want to deal with an odd shelf or pay the freight and do the waiting to get the correct one. And do I keep the wrong one on the basis that the bottom shelf might decide to quit or do I ask for an exchange. Decisions like this throw me into an unneccessary quandary.

I currently have a cold which has knocked me around a bit and I'm just getting over the wretched cough.  Coughing is a good and useful reflex but just in the last few days, timed for maximum effect, I heard someone on social media say that during a coughing fit her "uterus tried to escape my body via my vagina"

Oh boy, I never considered that possibility before! 

Hopefully my anatomy stays put while I make life altering fridge shelf decisions!

PS i re-sold the rice cooker at a loss, providing great hilarity for my colleagues but I'm pleased it's out of my hair 


  1. BIG sigh. What a frustrating week - and a cold on top of it is so unfair. And yes, I do hope your bits stay where they belong - and that you get better quickly.

    1. Thanks EC! It's partly self inflicted but the night I bought the rice cooker seemed to create a domino effect of irritation :)

  2. Oh dear, a chapter of accidents! I know what you mean about domestic decisions that create an unnecessary quandary. In the end you just do what you think is best and hope you've got it right. Re fridge and freezer doors, a hinge went on our freezer door and we tried to get a replacement hinge but were told they weren't available. So we had to buy a new freezer and guess what, the hinges were identical to the ones on the old freezer! Best of luck keeping your uterus intact....

    1. I just knew you were going to say that about the hinges!
      I'm sick of having a bunch of random sauces etc on the kitchen bench so it's tempting to just make do with the not quite right shelf but I know I'd also get cranky with a shelf that doesn't work the way I want and that would last the life of the fridge.
      I've almost stopped coughing so I think I've managed to retain the uterus for now :)

  3. That's the sort of day that would do my head in. I have to say that I'm not quite sure how else a uterus could escape although even as a man the thought made me feel distinctly uncomfortable.

    1. When the shelf full of bottles crashed on the floor, i was on the phone with my mum and said a word she might not even understand, so yes, it did my head in :)
      I like your point about not knowing another exit point !

  4. I find that when one thing goes wrong it's like the beginning of a domino collapse. So sorry to read about your domino day. Your trip and the financial loss and your fridge kicking out an essential shelf.
    Time to lie down for a day or two.

    1. It's kind of like a circular needle breaking!

  5. I think I need to go and lay down after reading your post! I do the 'extra careful' ordering thing when I'm ordering parts, and yes, I still get it wrong - it is sooo frustrating.
    Was it the new Covid that caused your cough? Covid cough is the worst.
    Hope you're all better now and still have all your organs.

    1. I did test for covid and came up negative but the hoarse voice and cough seemed a lot like covid.
      I do still have all my insides, inside :)

  6. My excessive cough was from covid. A huge amount of pee did escape during all that coughing.

    1. And, I don't have a uterus to escape.

    2. Anon, excessive coughing on it's own is exhausting but pee escaping is just an added problem!


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