Monday 18 December 2023

Christmas Groans and Greetings


I really enjoyed this video and I hope you do, too.

Christmas is a week away, the girls and I are going away on Wednesday, Keaghan is down with covid .I had intended to get travel insurance and forgotten but I have it now. The train leaves at 2pm and I don't have covid cover until 10pm (and even if I got covid, I'm not sure how sick I'd have to be to get a pay out)
The girls have moved out to minimise their chances of infection......, things are a little weird here.

I'm often sleepy during the day and now that I've had a sleep study, we have a diagnosis of severe sleep apnoea. Now that I know just how badly I sleep, I seem to be even more sleepy during the day. The power of the mind, eh? 

I'll get a CPAP machine after Christmas.

I hope you all have a marvellous holiday period and there's a Christmas miracle or two in store.

Lots of love!


  1. I hope you don't come down with covid. I sent you a Christmas card Saturday. It will probably get there next year. Merry Christmas
    Practical Parsimony

    1. Thank you, Linda! I'll look out for the card and yes I really hope I don't get covid.

  2. Loved the video - which made me a little misty.
    I hope that your trip is WONDERFUL, and that v soon you are able to sleep better. Much better.

    1. Thank you, ec. The lead up to the trip is a bit nail biting so I appreciate your good wishes!

  3. The video clip was sweet. Oh dear, I misread CPAP.

  4. Sleep apnea is a rather dangerous condition and I think you know it.

    1. I do, Red. I can't wait to get my machine and sleep better

  5. I hope you don't get covid. And I hope you've had a great trip to Perth. Severe sleep apnoea sounds bad. Hopefully the CPAP machine will help. In the meantime, Happy Christmas!

  6. Enjoy your train time and fingers crossed on Covid. Lovely video.


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