Sunday 1 January 2023

2022 in review

In general I never regard a day/week/year as good or bad. I just enjoy the good bits and move on from the bad but I must say 2022 was a really good year after a large number of really tough ones.

I started the year unemployed but managed to secure employment by May, which was pretty fast for a middle aged person with disability and no particular expertise.

An electrical problem forced the replacement of the lights in the loungeroom so instead of head hitting chandeliers we now have lights that don't collect dust and don't hit anyone in the head. They are also unsuitable for hanging a clothes hanger on (thank you, Jesus)

I saw "boob lights" in a list of  "outdated home trends"  haha oh well, I like them.

I replaced the fence that was rotting and had been broken through by an excitable dog on more than one occasion.

I travelled to a number of places to volunteer in flood relief and loved it: meeting people and seeing places I have never seen before. I couldn't have done all that on my own dime and I wouldn't have had the opportunity if I'd been employed.

I completed my chaplaincy diploma and the two day special course for disaster chaplains.

I was able to get my car serviced on time and give gifts to my kids.

Farewelling Harry was awful but he was followed by Milly, a sweet old girl with no behavioural issues. Not one! Asking her to go out for a wee and watching her go without the need for wheedling, treats or frustration just never gets old. 

I wish you all a good year for 2023, full of unexpected joys and angels to help through the tough spots.


  1. Tommy did not know what a boob light was, so I showed him the picture. He was amused. Happy New Year.

    1. Now that I've heard of a boob light, I can't unsee it 🤣
      Happy new year, Linda

  2. I hope that your 2023 is as satisfying as your 2022 was Kylie. By the way, is a "disaster chaplain" one who trips over things and delivers services that are littered with mistakes? Happy New Year! (Here in Yorkshire we are fifteen minutes short of midnight as I post this comment)

    1. Four minutes in to 2023, I wish you and Shirley a happy new year!
      This disaster chaplain got a speeding ticket on one trip and fell on the tarmac on another so I'm perfect for the job 🤣🤣

  3. A companion animal with NO behavioural issues? Be still my beating heart.
    Here's to a year of love and laughter.

    1. We love the ones with issues but an easy one is just so easy!
      Love and laughter sounds good

  4. I hope 2023 treats you as well as 2022! Happy New Year, Kylie!

  5. Boob light!! OMG I love it. And your garden.
    HPNY Kylie, may all continue to unfold in better ways for you.

    1. I'm just happy it's not a "laundry light". People used to hang shirts off the old lights.

  6. And a very happy, healthy New Year 2023 to you as well, kylie!

  7. Glad to hear you had such a good year. As you say, excellent that you landed a job despite disability and lack of expertise. And Milly sounds like a trouble-free delight.


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