Thursday 29 December 2022

Things I love..... idea borrowed or stolen from my friend Snowbrush.

  • Dogs - for their funny antics and for their joy and for the reward of building trust with a new dog
  • the sun on a cold day
  • the feeling of having freshly washed hair and clean clothes
  • variety - ask me my favourite anything and I never know. How could I pick one?
  • fabrics and manchester. I don't view myself as a collector but I have a treasured collection of hand knitted or crocheted blankets, bright table cloths, a crocheted table cloth, etc. I have owned and loved genuine linen sheets and have "rescued" woolen blankets which were not appreciated 
  • laughing with friends (or family)
  • a cool summer morning
  • the first warm breeze of spring
  • I love to see people grow and evolve (not neccessarily children)
  • a cosy bed with a dog on it
  • that intense lift sensation when a plane takes off
  • driving a mountain road, especially through rainforest
  • watching the ocean
  • connecting little bits of information to discover something new
  • fresh flowers


  1. A lovely rich variety here - which I love.
    I would disagree with the intense lift at take off though - it leaves my tummy behind each and every time.

    1. In general I hate the tummy churning stuff but take-off comes with all that anticipation!

  2. I also love connecting little bits of information to discover, or make, something new. I am not so keen on my freshly washed hair as it doubles in size and feels like a cat is sitting on my head. I need two get it all cut off for Spring!

    1. Freshly washed is my best way to have decent hair so it gets washed more often than it's dirty

  3. I’m like EC….we’ll leave the ‘take off’ bit out of my list. And maybe remove the dog and put a cat on the bed instead 😊
    Oh and thanks for teaching me a new word today. Liminal….I love it.

  4. I love your list and could use all of it for myself, except for the woolen blankets. It is just generally too hot for those here.

    1. you wouldn't use blankets even in winter? it's hotter there than i thought!

  5. Wonderful list. I might add "pink lenticular clouds early morning sunrise over the mountains"

    1. that sounds very pretty but i rarely see a sunrise :)

  6. That's a great list Kylie, I share all of it, and would probably add the smell of fresh laundered bed linen :-) Happy New Year

  7. That's a good list. I also love watching the ocean, it's very calming and restorative. For my own lists of things I find beautiful and things I enjoy, see

    1. yes, it's a good list. I love to watch a murmuration as well

  8. I love your list Kylie and can relate to so much of it. In my house I collected handmade castoffs of embroidery and knitted blankets and quilts, etc. No room for them now :D
    And freshly shampooed's the little tiny unnoticed things that thrill me. I remember my dog sniffing wild irises on a cliff hike and it brought me to tears. Stuff like that.

    1. my collection isn't huge but I would have a great deal of trouble giving it away. Drinking hot coffee while I'm still damp from a hot shower is also delicious


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