Friday 17 February 2023

disconnected thoughts

 I've just booked tickets to go and see "Banshees of Inisherin" tomorow afternoon. It should make a nice little escape from the heat, if nothing else. The cinema I booked is an upmarket place with a bar and an industrial aesthetic instead of multicolour vomit carpets and popcorn. I don't have anything against multicolour vomit carpets or popcorn, it's about $10 less for a ticket and closer to home but unfortunately I didn't get my act togethr to get to the local while it was still playing.

There's a slow cooker full of chicken cooking so hopefully that will cover a few meals over the next few days.

The girls are outside mowing, edge trimming and tidying. I'll enjoy the tidy garden for a little bit.

I heard recently (I think it was something on social media) about a man who takes time every second month, to do something he wouldn't normally do. The idea being that at the end of a year he has six adventures to look back on. I'd like to try to do that. I do have some little adventures but if I was intentional about it, I might have a lot more. So now I'm on the look out for new things to do on a shoe string budget and accessible for a wobbly body. 

A couple of weeks ago I went to stay with my friend Amanda, up the coast. She was on a mission to get some oysters and while I was looking up recommendations for food round the area, I saw "The Oyster Shed" It seemed worth a look.

We made the trip, it was a bit of a distance and the gravel on the ground was hard to walk on but the oysters were great and I won't forget it. That was an adventure. Let me dig around and see if I can find photos.........


  1. Except for the fact I don't eat oysters, that sounds like a good adventure. That is a great picture of you, too. Tommy and I talk about places nearby and never go there. I have determined we are going to start doing something, not necessarily without masks, though.

    1. A change is as good as a holiday, don't they say? I hope you find some chances to get out

  2. I've seen differing views of Banshees of Inisherin. Some say it's full of tedious Irish stereotypes, some say it's full of real-life people. We were rather put off by the reviews and trailers. I'll be interested in your opinion.
    I like the idea of taking time out every second month for something a bit adventurous. A good way of not getting into too much of a rut.

    1. Banshees of Inisherin was a stunningly beautiful film to look at and the score was good and the acting was just right. And it was the most dismal, awful story. It makes good commentary on conflict but it's not for the faint of heart

  3. This year I do need some adventure - I might skip the oysters though! I'm not sure what I want to do yet.
    I'm glad you're having some fun, and the photos are lovely to see - bright and sunny - we've had nothing but grey drizzle for days now.

    1. Spring is coming, I promise!
      It's fun to dream of adventures, I hope you think of something good :)


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