Monday 24 April 2023

Om Shanti, Ramana


Tonight I want to remember my friend Ramana, a blogger from way back.

A super social kind of person, Ramana was active on facebook, blogs and whatsapp. He had a multitude of friends and mentees who he invested in. He would regularly send me an email, just a line or two, with a comment, an interesting link or an encouragement. I viewed him as a slightly remote but kind and wise uncle and I am sure he filled that role for many, many others.

On the one occasion that some kind of misunderstanding made him seem a bit short with me, I was able to confidently assume there was a mistake because he was so consistently generous and reasonable. I admired the way he called his daughter-in-law "daughter-in-love" and his gratitude for the people in his life. His attachment to his former stray dog, Chutki was endearing and his undying love for his long gone wife were sweet and genuine.

He wasn't a push over though, he was direct and honest. One facebook tribute said his praise was hard to earn but hugely valued.

Ramana sometimes expressed frustration at his failing body but even as he became confined to his home, he was mostly content and maintained a lively sense of humour as well as continuing to invest in people.

Reading an early post on his blog, he expressed a desire to be addressed as "Sir Ramana" but seemed to be entirely unsuccessful in achieving this aim although he had at least half a dozen other nicknames and terms of endearment.

Ramana, Uncle, Sir Ramana I thank you for all that you were, we will sure miss you.


  1. He was a lovely lovely man!

  2. I will miss his wise words on Nick’s blog. I always thought he was a genuine, kindly man.

    1. Yes, he was kindly and totally authentic

  3. Not someone I knew - and reading your tribute it is obvious that I am the poorer for that.

  4. Ramana sounds like blogger every blogger would like.

    1. I can't say I completely understood his humour so his blog was a bit of mystery at times but there was nothing about the man that anyone could dislike

  5. He sounds like someone very interesting.

    1. I always knew he had a good career, it was only recently I found out it was in the fabric industry. Indian fabrics, be still my beating heart!
      He was interesting and possibly of more value, he was interested in everyone and in most things

  6. I couldn't have put it better myself. He was indeed a kind and generous person with a lively interest in all sorts of things. He had a wonderful sense of humour and bore his health problems with his usual philosophical approach to life.

    1. I'm glad you agree with my summary of him. He wasnt a complainer

  7. I think I found you through Ramana, Kylie. What a huge loss he is. He bore his challenges well as he suffered with the pain of his limbs but had such fortitude and his daily practices inspired me.

    1. He really is a huge loss but I think he was struggling for the last year or thereabouts.
      His life and spiritual practice was very disciplined and I'm sure that was a big factor in his approach.

  8. The connections we can make through blogging are really quite mind-blowing.

    1. It's been a super rewarding part of my life


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