Wednesday 23 August 2023

Romeo and Juliet

I struggled through Romeo and Juliet at school but because I did it twice (in years 10 & 12) I came away with an appreciation of the story and the poetry. I probably understand about 10% of it but it's enough to know that it is nuanced, multilayered and just generally clever.

When the Bell Shakespeare company performed it about 20 years ago, I was keen to go and see it in the theatre, keen to see if it would become more alive for me or if I would be able to recognise any fabulous quotes I had previously missed. Unfortunately for me, my husband didn't want me to go anywhere or enjoy anything and I was silly enough to allow him to restrict me that way. I didn't see the play.

The Bell Shakespeare company is currently running another season and I surprised myself with how keen I was to make good on this long held dream. Without me realising, it had become a bucket list item and I was going to go.

I rarely go to the city due to the difficulty of public transport and pedestrian precincts etc so it was nice to be by the harbour, to smell the air and enjoy the connection to history as we wandered the old docks.

My daughter Briony came with me and we enjoyed a wee cheese platter before the play

Briony managed to capture a single photo of the theatre before being asked to put away her phone

After a lifetime of watching my Mum sew, my mind sometimes drifted from the acting to the construction of the costumes, which must have taken quite a lot of logic and planning

I did manage to pick out a spectacularly beautiful few words I had never noticed before "Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing"

I think we have all felt that before?

This photo was taken in the corridor leadin to the theatre and I was lucky to snap it while nobody wandered into the frame. The backlighting is unfortunate but one day it will remind Briony of a late afternoon outing with her mum


  1. I am so very glad that you finally got to fulfill an unrealised dream. I hope you enjoyed it - and yes, the costume making is often an underappreciated but so very important part of theatre.

    1. I did enjoy it! and i'm so happy to remedy the regret of missing it before

  2. How wonderful to be able to realise a dream so long after. I'm so happy for you. I used to love Shakespeare and both read, listen and go to performances but somehow it's fallen off my itinerary. I have made a mental note to do something about that. Thank you.

    1. I hope you enjoy The Bard all over again, Graham

  3. Isn't it unfortunate that we allow spouses/significant others to forge our path? I am so glad you went with you daughter. Those pictures will be cherished forever. And, the picture of the theatre is magic.

    1. It's unfortunate that I let him dictate and unfortunate that he thought it was an acceptable thing to do.
      Yes, it was lovely to go with briony and I'm glad we did it

  4. So happy for you to have finally seen the play. Live theater takes me to another place and puts me "in" the performance rather than just feeling like a spectator.

    1. The audience was invited to dance with the actors so that would have been right up your alley :)

  5. I'm glad you had a fabulous day out with your daughter, and it's got me thinking that I should make a bucket list.

  6. I am so happy for you that you realized your dream. Coincidentally, over coffee, a friend and I were chatting about controlling partners yesterday. An awful way to live. Gorgeous photos Kylie and I, too, adore costumes and their creation. I found it disturbing to discover at one point that Juliet was a 13 yo child.

    1. WWW,
      Yes, you're a textile lover from way back!
      13 year olds are still being married off in some places. Dreadful

  7. I'm really glad you finally got to enjoy this Kylie. I had a partner like that and I was also silly enough to comply, but only for a while. My early childhood was full of amateur theatre - my mum directed, painted sets, designed costumes, and performed too. It it was one of the good things I can recall from my time with both parents but it ended when I was 9 (thankfully). My dad also performed, and my brother and I were dragged onto the stage too. My brother and I would sleep in the Holden station wagon parked in the lane next to the theatre when it got late - in the days it was safe to do that! Nice memories. I attribute my creative life to that time with my mother.

    1. Those old station wagons! My uncle had one and it was soon exciting to ride in the back.
      You have some good things to look back on

  8. How wonderful that you finally got to fulfil this ambition. I like your honesty about your early encounters with Shakespeare and I also like the way you picked out that quotation: "Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing", relating it to your own experience of life. It sounds like it was a really good experience and all the better for being shared with Briony.

    1. Neil, I was still a bit lost at times but I'm OK with that.
      It was a lovely afternoon

  9. I don't think I've ever read Romeo and Juliet but of course I know the story. The costumes look spectacular. And how ludicrous that your husband didn't want you to go anywhere or enjoy anything. What a tyrant.

    1. I put up with a lot from him but it's forgiven now. He doesn't bother me and I might as well look forward.


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