Tuesday 30 January 2024

January round-up


Well, it's all been happening in the last few days. After many years with a broken shower screen I decided to replace it.

The screen broke one day when I was home alone, there was a bang and the glass shattered. I organised to get a new one but the man of the house refused to let me get it fixed and we all got used to it. Anyway, that is coming.

A few days after I ordered the shower screen, the washing machine died. In an amazing bit of luck, it didn't stop mid-cycle but quietly died after completing a load. The power board is fried and at $400 for a new board, it made more sense to get a new machine. So that's coming. I put it on Paypal's 4 payments scheme, which will spread the cost a bit and make the whole process a bit less painful to the wallet. It's fee free and interest free. Hopefully the machine will come soon but nobody has called me about delivery yet. I ordered it just last night so there's time for that.

I went to see "The Holdovers" on Sunday. It was a wonderful film with a compelling story and the fashions depicted were the styles buried in my very early memories so I also enjoyed the little nostalgia hit.

Last night, Liam and I went to Marrickville Town Hall, a lovely old building, to hear Derek Gripper, who plays the music of Africa on classical guitar. I've never heard of the guy but he came up on my instagram and for $33 I didn't think we could lose. It was a great concert. The night was muggy but it was an early finish and we all poured onto the street while there was still light and there was a refreshing breeze. 


  1. You've accomplished quite a bit in the last few days.

    1. Yes, it's been busy and I'm sure my improved sleep has made it easier to be busy.

  2. Well done. You won't know yourself with a new shower screen and I hope the new washing machine gives you long and excellent service. I am really pleased that you enjoyed the film and the concert too.

    1. The shower screen is a hazard and I should have fixed it long ago so I'm looking forward to the improvement. I got a new bathmat to put down when it's done. Imagine having a bathmat that doesn't get wet!

  3. You can't beat fee free and interest free.
    I plan on watching The Holdovers this week. It is on a streaming service here so I wil not have to go to a theater to see it. I am glad for your good review..

    1. I considered waiting to see it on a streaming service but I do love the cinema (and the coffee and cake before the film!)

  4. That was extremely polite of the washing machine to complete one last job for you Is a shower screen what we call a shower door, a glass sliding in front of the tub? I pictured a screen door on the house and how it would not hold back water.

    1. Showers here are often separate from the tub so in this house the screen is the partition between shower and bath.
      To really be accurate, the screen broke long ago and the door broke some time later

    2. Insect screens might do more good than the current arrangement 😅🤣

    3. I still cannot seem to picture that arrangement! Having a shower with no door does not sound good, though. I once had a house with a tub and separate shower across the room. It was a huge room, so large both children brought in ride-on toys to play every time I tried to take a bath or use the commode. Fun times!

  5. I suppose PayPal generosity banks on people not meeting the payment plan and charging them interest.
    It is ages since we've seen a film and I was looking at The Holdovers. It sounded like it might be ok. Maybe you've convinced me.

    1. I didn't even know PayPal offered it and I'd say you got it in one.
      Did you say The Holdovers sounded too long? It was long but absorbing.

  6. Noted The Holdovers. Very sweet death of your washing machine, thoughtful. I am happy for you you enjoyed both events outside the home! And yay on your new shower.

  7. In these days of reducing consumption, it's crazy that repairing an appliance can be so expensive that it's better to buy a new one. We've also been told a few times that it's not worth repairing an appliance. It makes no sense.

    1. It was 13 years old Nick and I'd hoped it would make it to 20.
      It's frustrating that the motor could go on for much longer. Washing machines don't really need electronic control panels

  8. I could live without a few things but the washing machine isn't one of them. When I said that I realised just how silly it sounded. Of course I could Noone in Gaza has a washing machine these days - even if they did before the current war. The concert sounded interesting.

    1. watching the pile of laundry grow was frustrating, Graham, so I know what you meant.
      Gaza is a whole extra level of hell.

  9. It's funny how we can get used to broken things like shower doors. I wonder why the man of the house was reluctant to shell out for such a vital replacement. Oh, and I am most pleased that you also enjoyed "The Holdovers". Paul Giamatti has deservedly been nominated for the "Best Actor" oscar but I doubt that they will give it to him. We will see.

    1. The MOTH didn't like to have tradesmen do anything so he just left it.
      Paul Giamatti has done some great work but he's too low profile to win an Oscar


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