Saturday 28 June 2008

Today has been a rough one.
"It's time to get up, Mum"
After a long week I stayed up too late last night and woke late this morning. I had a shower and considered my outfit for the day.
"Princess, do you want to come to the shops with me?"
Tomboy (pouting) : "How come you just asked her?"
Me: "Well, you can come if it's ok with her"
Tomboy: "She said it's ok"

Later Tomboy comes to me crying "She doesn't want me to come"
and on it goes.......

I explain my reasons for inviting only one assistant but agree to two. After hearing my reasoning the Tomboy decides that she won't shop. I have already explained, negotiated and agreed so I don't want all of that wasted and I take two girls shopping.

The usual chorus of "can you buy......"
"I want......."
"Why can't we get......."
is muted today but present nevertheless.
The highlight is a stop for pancakes with milkshakes and hot chocolate. Yum.

We arrive home after a shortish shopping expedition and the cream is dropped on the driveway, spilling half the contents. This is the second such incident in a short number of weeks and combined with fatigue I become a little short. "Can't you just take a little more care?"
The "culprit" cries and we stop for hugs and soothing noises.

It is only about 12:30 but I decide that a brief nap might be helpful so crawl into bed for a wickedly lazy rest. A little sanity might just be creeping in but I am rudely brought back to earth with complaints that the shopping hasn't been put away.

Okay, okay......I'm on it.
I start to rally the troops to help out with some chores and getting a veneer of order about the place but Dimples is being his least co-operative self and unable to cope with his sullenness I send him to his room. He promptly climbs out the window and disappears.

The headache won't leave my head and I can't muster much enthusiasm for anything. (The day continues this way, water spilled all over the kitchen, difficulty parking near the video rental, kids asking ceaseless questions .........)

Dimples eventually makes his re-appearance and I ask him to list 40 things to be grateful for. The list is gone now but it read something like this:

  1. computer
  2. boy quail
  3. girl quail
  4. quail egg 1
  5. quail egg 2
  6. quail egg 3
  7. quail egg 4
  8. finch 1
  9. finch 2
  10. finch 3
  11. finch 4
  12. finch 5
  13. finch 6
  14. Nintendo
  15. game designers
  16. Daddy
  17. his brother
  18. the Princess
  19. the tomboy
  20. the dog...........

40. Mummy

You gotta laugh, eh?


  1. Yes, I"m lurking. I have a feeling I will have one of those days today. I made the mistake of staying up late like until 3:40 this morning. I was very much annoyed when my doorbell rang at 7:30 am and I found my ahole brother in law on my door stoop Apollo. Apollo was my mother in laws Anitolian Shepard dog. But when she passed away last summer, BIL took the dog. THe dog is HUGE and HAIRY and Wet because it is raining today. We are keeping Apollo for a week while BIL is on vacation. He informs me that Apollo has ticks,and needs to be wormed for heartworms, but he does not present me with the medicine to remedy this. He just expects us to come up with the stuff. And he didn't even bring any dog food with him. Of course, since we have Javie dog, we have Frontline for fleas and ticks, and we have heart worm preventitive and dog food, but it just pisses me off that he expects us to take care of his dog and doesn't even bring us food for it. Oh and I have to babysit tonight. So I will have 4 boys at my house. And I just thought I was going to get to rest tonight.

  2. hi cece
    blogging is good thereapy so i'm not at all surprised when someone says they're taking a break but appear online more than ever!!
    about your BIL.....where do these people get off? surely he has the stuff the dog needs? would it be sooooo hard to bring it along?
    i'm with you
    i dunno what time it is there but i guess you'll be reading this next day....hope you got to sleep, just a teeny bit?

  3. Hi Special!

    What a day it seems you've had! I love the list, it's brilliant! And poor Mummy's down at no. 40! What a cheek! Still, I suppose tomorrow, Mummy could be no. 10, or 5 - that's the great thing about kids - they change their minds so easily and quickly!
    Sorry I haven't been around much - haven't felt like doing much over the last few days, but seeing Cece's new post might have inspired me...
    luv ya hun,
    Peej xxx

  4. G'day Kylie,
    Thought that i would visit you before turning in for the night. I can relate to your Saturday morning with little sleep and also the shopping trip. Well not quite the shopping trip only that Mrs K and Junior K go shopping.
    How upsetting about the cream - and when you had got home too!
    On one shopping trip to Southland we were in Dymocks at the counter, just about to purchase a book only to discover that we had both left our money at home!
    We had a bit of a scare with the computer over the weekend ... it crashed - but fortunately i / we were able to get it running again. Fingers crossed. Today, Sunday Junior K managed to get a dvd stuck in the player! Oh well, gotta go. I will visit everyone else during the coming week.


    hello cecile. Aah; the lovely aroma of wet dog!
    hello peter

  5. Dear Kylie,
    hope you having a good day.
    I loved that 40 list :)
    i'll be back soon.
    ♥ & ((hugs))

  6. hi mark
    hi bindi
    hi peej

    i'm off to work but it's nice to hear from you all ....
    hope you're feeling better, bindi

  7. Well...I'm draggin' my sorry, depressed, stressed out ass over here for some lovin'. Am I too late? When you respond to everyone it usually mean you're done and about to post something new and the lazy asses who didn't get here sooner are left out in the cold. Jezzzz. Just so you know, I was #1, but was so tired I didn't write, just lurked. Why? Because it usually means I'm unable to think or form a complete sentence. I'll try to do better.

    Great post, but I'll be honest, the thing that shocked me is after having so little sleep and waking up tired, you wanted to shop. Are ya nutz?! Holy crapper. I don't know how mom's do it. I was very proud of you until your outburst about the cream. No one should have to cry over spilled milk. But you redeemed yourself, so I forgive you.

    Oh, and honey, the sarcasm in your response to Cece's comment really doesn't become you. Don't make me come over there. But you're right of course...I'm going to actually have to do what I said I was going to. I'm not healing, so apparently Dr. P's suggestions were valid. Damn.

    Well that's it, I'm exhausted and have to go nite nite soon. Oh, but before I go I have to tell you about my new closet and laundry system. Please visit the cafe. Man would that be right up your alley!

    Love ya baby! :)

    Hi Cece
    Hi Peter
    Hi Kylie
    Hi Kooka
    Hi Bindi
    Hi Me (Hey, what do you expect? Einstein?)

  8. well, i was gonna post again until some sorry blogger dragged herself over here and i just had to be kind.....
    now that's sarcasm. i was completely serious when i replied to cece. i was. truly.
    i'm glad i redeemed myself over the cream. i didnt make her cry you know, we were both ragged. S*** happens (i'd say the real word but mum would die...hi mum)
    i'll swing by the cafe after i cook dinner for this mob!
    take care


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