Tuesday 1 July 2008


David over at Authorblog has done it again..............
"Do you procrastinate?" he asks.
Is my name Kylie?
Is the Pope a Catholic?
What do you think I'm doing right now?
I was about to say that instead of telling you what I procrastinate over I'd tell you what I don't.
Then I realised I would have nothing to say.

Right now I'm avoiding the dishes. I also avoid ironing. Then there's vacuuming, writing Christmas cards and replying to emails (even of good friends, what's with that?)
I avoid mending
and shopping
and mopping floors
and cleaning the bathroom.
Then there's the fridge.

I haven't had a haircut in about eight months and I would rather suffer a minor ailment than take myself to the doctor. That reminds me, I procrastinate over pap tests and going to the dentist.

Dimples needs minor surgery but I'm terrified of making the wrong decision on his behalf. So I procrastinate.

I never procrastinate about blogging but I do procrastinate about commenting, preferring to lurk if I can't think of the right thing to say.

Now, what else can I do to avoid the washing up ?


  1. You? Procrastinate? I don't believe it!

    I too, procrastinate over going to the dentist, which is probably why I've had so many problems in the past - and now! See blog for details. Also I give a reason for my absence - not hiding, honest! Although I do need to get my butt into gear and write you an email - sorry about that hun!
    Hope you're well and dandy!

    Luv ya hun,
    Peej xxxx

  2. Ah, you sound quite normal to me!

  3. At work I have to submit my yearly work performance review. I have known about this for a few weeks. So today I finally put in the hard yards and it only required about an hour of my time. Hence the old adage, "The time taken thinking about doing something is often longer than the time taken actually doing something". It is a lesson that I never learn.

  4. Special,

    My sister found the post done by Dad on A Yarn.... about her Afghanistan posting - she's left a comment and is so very grateful....please convey further thanks from me too.....

    Peej xxx

  5. I keep procrastinating on taking my hiatus from blogger. I think I'll go swimming with the boys now. Later Gator.

  6. Wait, I will be back later, I have to think of something to say...might take awhile since I don't know what to say...

    I know I am procrastinator, it goes hand in hand with being a perfectionist. If it's not perfect why bother...

    Great Fun Kylie!!

  7. Haha!

    You're too funny.

    We all do it, its part of the joy of life ;)

    Lotsa love, M

  8. Not only do I procratinate - I'm a slacker, too!

    Enjoy your day!


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