Monday 15 September 2008

here i am being boring....
it was a case of showing a picture or telling you how i'm desperate for chocolate but don't have any........
i like this photo, even though i was talking at the time, because it clearly shows that my forehead wrinkles occasionally smooth away.
it was taken at the district public schools music festival, where my cherubs danced.


  1. You looks so young! It is a great photo. I hope you get some chocolate soon. Sorry I haven't been around much lately, I've been crazy busy. I should actually be working right now, so I must get back to it. Talk to you soon. Cece

  2. You're not boring, rather you should choose to say, "Please pardon me ... I am in such a respite mode today." :D Will that work? Or how 'bout: "Clearly stasis rules in my life today."

    Have fun! Happy Monday! I'm off to plant pansies in my garden. Ta Ta!

  3. cece,

    somedays i look old and some days younger......

    take care of yourself, no need to apologise for being quiet


  4. hi debbie
    pansies are rather nice, arent they? i like their velvety texture and rich colour

    have fun :)

  5. Hey Special,

    Lookin' good there, babycakes! A very sophisticated mum, I have to say. Glad you finally posted another photo of yourself.

    And as an aside, totally not boring lady! Everything's always interesting when I come over here.

    love ya hun,
    Peej xxx

  6. thank you my dear peejay
    love ya

  7. God how I love looking at you and your kids. NO...not in a sick way, just in a sister sort of way!!! You look so lovely and the kids are precious. Wow, you created them! WOW. Do you ever really think about that? I know how hard life is because I live it, but often don't take the time to appreciate how beautiful it is. I hope you do. You have a beautiful family my darling friend and I hope you enjoy them.

    I love you,
    Me ;)

  8. Forgot to have very big shoulders and a very small waste. Nice proportions.


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