Friday, 26 September 2008

When I asked you about a time you felt like this I was thinking of the one and only time I ever had the 'flu, real influenza.

It was around this time five years ago.
On the first day I felt a bit under the weather.
On the second I cut short a shopping trip because I was developing a fever, I felt worse than day one but still kind of okay.
On the third day I was struggling but I remained upright and had some sense of normality.
The day I really felt like the picture, the day my descent into hell was complete, was day four.
I didn't drag myself out of bed 'til 11am. I showered and was exhausted. I rested, made tea & toast and was exhausted. I ate most of the toast then sat and wondered what to do. My head hurt, my eyes hurt, my joints hurt, i think even my fingernails hurt. I couldn't think, I couldn't watch TV, I couldn't get comfortable and about 2pm I went back to bed. I lay there, drifting in and out of fevered sleep, listening to the sounds of the household and watching the sky from the window.
After a little while the kids started to miss me, they would slip into bed beside me, I would converse a little and drift away again. This went on for the afternoon until their Dad called them for dinner and baths. I fell asleep and was surprised when I woke in the dark. It was time for my wee ones to say goodnight. I focussed for long enough to wish them all a pleasant night and I fell back into the abyss.
That day was the turning point, I was just a little better the next day and improved until I could go back to work a week later. I carried paracetamol everywhere with me for another three weeks before I finally shook the headaches that I had been left with.
I don't think I will ever forget that day. I won't forget the altered reality: today I can't imagine that making tea & toast could be exhausting, that day I couldn't imagine it could be anything but.
Most of all, I will remember the comforting prescence of my little people. What a gift it was.


  1. Yes. Having the 'flu is terrible - an experience that you never want to have again; at least very rarely. The fatigue and the fever are the worst of it.

    Any how, on that cheery note, here's hoping that you have a grouse weekend.

    It is AFL Grand Final Day - Geelong vs Hawthorn. No prizes for guessing where I'll park my backside this arvo :)

    g'day Bob

  2. Go Geelong... just because it's fun to say!

  3. Hi Kylie,

    Yep, that flu bug is just awful. Glad it's working its way out the door and gone.

    Best wishes,



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