Monday 1 December 2008

And the winner is........

Brian of CSI Seattle

edging past Peter by a whisker

INNER VOICES gets a first class mention

Blottie & the Blot bring up the rear

I was blown away by your enthusiasm for my grand competition. Brian had to win with such a huge effort and for fitting just about everyone into his masterpiece.
Peter got the majority of his points for taking the mickey out of me so thoroughly and of course a sexual reference always tickles my fancy.
No.1 son picked INNER VOICES for his elegant simplicity and I just love the total cool.
Suzanne's amazing segue from poetry to prose won on the surprise factor and the Princess picked the Blot because "I just like it". Obviously the child has taste.
Speaking for myself, I had to bring in some junior judges because I loved Cece's bittersweet reflection on parenthood, Hunter managed an excellent entry even though he wouldn't know me from a bar of soap and Leah's superb effort not only painted a marvellous picture of my particular addiction but was also a limerick!
Now you just have to email me with your address and the fantasmagorical prizes will soon be in your hot little hands.
Thanks again, it's been great!


  1. Hey, I won something... I think. My writing is finally paying off.

  2. Steps up to mic and gives it a good flick. "This on?"

    "I would like to thank the Academy (whoops, wrong speech). I would like to thank Kylie for this distinquished honor. This award means the world to me because as you all know, I'm not a writer, I'm an artist. *Runs up to Son #1 and hugs him to bits. "Thanks baby!!! You have fine taste in women, poetry and proses!!! But stay away from women like me. We're trouble. Trouble I tell you."*

    Congrats Brian ~ you deserve whatever you get. Beautiful poetry.

    Congrats Peter ~ you're the best. You deserve something alright.

    IV ~ How in the hell do you always slide in with so little effort? Jeeeeeeeze. Congrats on doing it again.

    Blot ~ Congrats!!!! I think this official means we're a team!

    XO Blottie ;)

  3. Whoops, almost forgot. THANKS KYLIE!!! I'll give you my address, but don't spend too much money on me. I'm concerned about that you know. Make it light. For instance, and Air Mail envelop with the word "HEY!!!"

    Love you, and thanks. I'll cherish this one.


  4. yeah, i asked peter for his address a week ago and i still dont have it. i'll tell you what he deserves alright....

    he deserves the end of a size 9 boot :)

    love ya peej but if i dont get an address for ya i'll give your bit of plastic crap to someone else.

    bri, you'd like a bit of extra plastic crap wouldn't you?




  5. suze, we cross posted !
    i have it already. it's light. no worries, cant take it with you

  6. Hi honey! So Peter knew a week ago? What sort of official contest rule is that? Something smells funky. Am I going to have to forfit my prize when I turn you into the Blogger Police for running a scam? Ahhhhhhhh screw it, I just want my prize. Yup, I'll take extra plastic too.

    If I "can't take it with" me, does that mean I get to eat it? Hummmmmmm. Interesting. What could it be? What could it be?

    Honey, I talked to Giggie tonight for the first time. Amazing conversation. She's the best. Guess what she said? She said I sound exactly like I write. Is that a compliment or what!!!???

    Love you darlin'. Looking forward to the big reveal!


  7. *sniffs a little*...well, congrats to you winners...

  8. They only won because I missed the deadline.


    Just kidding, all, congrats on your awards and I'll be in on the next one for sure. I hope!!

  9. suze, actually i was cutting corners with peter cos he only gets one thing for the prize and his birthday.

    have fun

  10. leah,
    it's been so much fun i'm gonna have another competition sometime and for sure you'll win (but dont tell suzanne and just humour megan, right)

    thanks chick

  11. megan
    maybe i should give you a calender?


  12. :) You should see me at the office. I have so many reminders popping up in Outlook all the time! Reminders are my lifesavers.

  13. It's a good thing the contest ended, because I'm in a foul mood today, and I think whatever I write would be foul too. Love your new pick. That's how I feel.

  14. HA BOB, Brian, I.V., and Suze are all WEINERS. Big ol' fat Oscar Meyer Weiners. ANd they are all full of bologna. LOL. Love you guys.

  15. Yippie Skippy!!! I won.

    Who would have thought? Hey, Cece called me a wiener? Oscar Meyer no less. Oh this is wonderful.

    Just one week ago, I couldn't even spell limerick and now I'm the winner of one. I think I won a car. Yeah, it has to be. BMW? I hope it's red. I just love red.

    It's good to be me!

  16. cece,
    of course they're all weiners!

  17. brian
    how did you know it was a car?

  18. wow, thanks.. i havent been around in a week and come back to super cool winner feelings!!! nice!

  19. Brian in a red BMW. Yup, that's gonna work. It'll sure look good against my green dress!!! Hey, have any of you ever seen a red BMW? I played "Let's Recall" with myself, and nope, I don't think I have.

    IV comes alive for an award. Hummmmmmm. Interesting. I also realize he won the Bronze, not us. When you come in fourth, what do you win? Plastic? Paper?


    I'll email my address RIGHT NOW!!! Seriously.


go on, leave a comment or four.