Wednesday 3 December 2008

thanks #30

I have been blessed by this month of thanksgiving. It has been a great exercise, I have spent at least part of every day this past month looking for things I can be grateful for and thankfully, there are plenty to find. I also think that the sustained focus is far more valuable than looking for 30 things in one day.
I am also mighty thankful that it is over. I'm not always cheery and when my mood is less than grateful posting a thanks feels a bit dishonest. I must say though, that whatever my mood I meant every single one of them.
I will be glad to post on whatever takes my fancy, too.
Finally, thanks to you, my readers, for hanging around through what was a very personal series of posts and for reading as well as commenting on stuff that couldn't have had any real meaning for you.
You really are a special bunch.


  1. What are friends for? Love you darling. Amazing journey and thanks for including all of us. I learned so much, not only about you, but about me.

    Love you.

  2. Oh good Lord, almost forgot...I'M #1!!!!!!!!

  3. Don't worry, I'll be back. Just struggling at the moment as you can see on the Yarn. Life is complicated.

    Love you to death.


  4. Hi Kylie,

    You're wrong . . . each post had meaning -- I got to see a bit further inside and that's what keeps a friendship growing. I also picked up some new slang. ; )

    I like coming here and being unsure what I will find, though I can pretty much count on leaving with a smile. Have a great day!

  5. I loved your thanks series. It was an interesting journey, for me too.


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