Wednesday 15 April 2020

Sober Spirit

Yesterday I bought a bottle of Seedlip "Spice". Seedlip make a range of non-alcoholic spirits but Spice is the only one I have found available near me. I think it's supposed to be like gin but I I don't drink gin so I don't really know.
It has some great reviews and some terrible ones.  I suspect it's great if you dont expect it to taste like gin!
Anyways, it's my quarantine treat to myself.  I miss going out and I tend to want to eat everything in sight to make up for it so a nice complex, calorie free drink with some clinky ice helps to add a little something to the day.
The bottle and label are quite beautiful. It would be nice to use it for something once it's empty. I guess I have plenty of time to come up with ideas for that!


  1. Is it alcoholic? yes these little rituals are important. My partner & I don't drink alcohol so we buy low-sugar Kombucha drinks in stubbies to have when we have finished work for the week. They come in Cola, Ginger Beer and Lemon & Ginger among other flavours. We figure because they are gut friendly, we are doing ourselves a favour as well!!

    The new relationship with our fridges is being talked about in the media. Someone suggested we might need to start observing the 1.5 metre distancing rules if we want to avoid massive weight gains during the shutdown - haha.

    1. There's no alcohol in these drinks at all but they have the beautiful packaging and complex flavours of alcohol. It's probably way overpriced but right at the moment it's worth it.
      I'm not overly keen on kombucha, though it' snice if you want some low sugar fizz

  2. I have never even heard of it, much less seen or tried it. It looks very, very inviting. And hooray for guilt free treats. I am sending too much time on the see food, eat it diet, and doubt that I am spending enough time in the garden to make up for it.

    1. Food is one of the pleasures still available to us and a lot of us have a lot of time to think about it, cook and eat so there's a lot of us doing the same!
      The weather right now is beautiful for gardening (at least in Sydney it is) I hope you're enjoying it!

    2. I am. And need to exercise some moderation there too.

  3. That drink looks so good, as for overpriced, nearly everything seems to be overpriced at the moment.
    I'm a kombucha drinker on warmer days, today a cup of tea will be just fine.

    1. Cups of tea are good! Especially with a bickie

  4. That is a beautiful bottle. My friend swears by non-alcoholic beer, but since I cannot stand beer, it is no temptation to me. I have chocolate milk for a treat.

    1. In very hot weather I used to steal a mouthful of my husband's beer but non alcoholic beer is not very nice.
      I like coffee flavoured milk but I haven't had it in yeeears

  5. My treat is Neal's Yard shower gel, which doubles as shampoo. I have been awful with biscuits and crisps and have been trying to temper my habit. Glad you found your treat, we all need one...or two....five or six :-)

    1. Oooh yes, shower gel is very luxurious! There's never too many treats

  6. Our quarantine treats are wine, chocolates, pizza, DVDs, TV property programmes, books, and the odd Scrabble tournament. But my goodness, we'll both be glad to get back to something resembling normal life and unlimited access to the outside world!

    1. i have way too many chocolate and pizza treats so must slow up on the liquid calories!

  7. A little self pampering and indluging in something fancy is perfectly justifiable in these difficult times. I do a number of things to pamper myself too.

    1. You seem unlikely to eat too much, Ramana! Your treats are probably a lot healthier

  8. I love your description of "clinky ice" I know the sound and feelings that go along with it!

    1. think the little ritual is probably part of it too, isn't it?

  9. I'm sure that I've seen Seedlip in supermarkets here. Is it sweet?

    1. Graham i think it is made n the UK so you may have seen it. It isn't sweet at all

  10. That sounds like a sensible but satisfying treat. I think we all need some of those. I remember liking gin back when I went to university. Can't tolerate much alcohol now due to stomach issues, so your drink is intriguing me.

    I've been surprised that I've not been eating my emotions, just eating the usual and trying to remember the veggies. Up until Easter weekend, that is. We would usually host a family dinner but with just two of us we decided on a treat of frozen-food-aisle chinese chicken balls, egg rolls and rice, and had it two nights in a row. And too much of it on the plate. Now I am trying to walk it off. It's so freaking easy to put weight on, and so hard to remove it!

    1. The frozen food aisle has so many easy and delicious options, doesn't it? I haven't tried anywhere near all of the things on offer but i aim to :)

  11. What a gorgeous bottle. Was it expensive? I don't think I'd want to try it being a recovered alkie. I avoid stuff that tastes like booze, like near beer and non alki wine though I know a few in recovery that don't mind it. Even faux-boozy tasting coffee I avoid.


    1. A friend of mine who is in recovery won't even eat anything she associates with booze, like a Christmas pudding. I don't really understand it but I wouldn't try to change it.
      The drink costs as much as if t was alcohol, which makes it very expensive in my world. It isn't taxed highly like alcohol so I think the price is probably a bit steep even for the sophisticated product it is


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