Sunday 18 June 2023

Food Rules

 This morning in church there was on display a replica of the ration packs given to refugees in the world's camps for displaced people. It included flour, sardines, beans and oil. 

The lady in front of me turned around and said that she eats olive oil every day on her breakfast. I thought it was an interesting statement to make, given that many meals include oil and we don't usually mention it.

"Olive oil on breakfast?" says me. "Do you cook eggs in it, or maybe some vegies?"

No. Nope. This lady has a breakfast of fridge soaked oats with walnuts, apple, banana, cinnamon, chia seeds and I forget what else. And then, because olive oil is good for us, she sprays the whole thing with olive oil.

"When I hear that something is good for me, I try to find a way to add it to my diet" she said.

I'll have to try harder, I thought, with no intention to do so. I eat some kind of vegetable every day and try to eat some avocado now and again. I have a range of guiding principles in my diet but trying to add every healthy food to my breakfast? Well, that's just not me.


  1. I like olive oil and use it. However her breakfast sounds healthy already and I wouldn't be tempted to add the oil to it.

    1. I like olive oil and i use it but I wouldnt add it to that breakfast and I also don't eat the same thing every day

  2. Why would she spoil the taste of her ‘concoction’ by spraying it with olive oil. She’d be better to just take a tablespoon of it, then follow up with her bespoke breakfast cereal+.

    1. She said she couldn't taste it. I'm mostly surprised that she tries to work every healthy thing into her routine, there's surely no room left to add anything!

  3. Some olive oil has no strong taste, just oily, like the olive oil I use now. I was going to use olive oil in something that called for vegetable oil, something like brownies. Tommy was alarmed, "In brownies? How will that taste?" He could tell no difference.
    I eat three fruits every day and five vegetables. Or, I eat lots of two fruits, enough for three servings. And, then maybe three helpings of one vegetable and one each of two other vegetables. Of course, I eat too many things I should not. But, I try to improve my diet all the time, tweaking it as I learn more.

    1. I do find it odd to add oil to breakfast but it's the idea of eating every healthy thing that boggles my mind.
      I'd happily never eat a Brussels sprout, for example. Or kale.

    2. You do well to get your 5 a day. Most people dont

  4. I like olives but I couldn't go with straight olive oil on my porridge!

    1. Some people eat savoury porridge. It might actually work with that?

  5. Nope not for me. I keep breakfast simple but it does have fruit and yogurt on the porridge.

    1. I rarely eat breakfast these days and because it's rare, I eat whatever I want on the day so it could be anything from toast and marmalade to a bacon & egg roll

    2. A friend was coming over early when I grabbed a bowl of beans. When she came over, we were walking around the house. She is incredibly short and wanted to know what I was eating as I held it close so I would not spill beans. She said I was just like her husband who would eat anything for breakfast. It seemed normal to me, just eat what i had or wanted to eat. I guess it is strange.

  6. I have a boiled egg for breakfast - and have just realised that I use an olive oil spread on my soldiers! I might be healthier than I think.

    1. You're all healthful virtue, I'd say 😀

  7. Our main consideration is to use fresh or raw foods rather than processed foods wherever we can. We also eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Spraying your breakfast with olive oil seems a bit excessive!

    1. Fresh food is a great principle to live by!
      The herbalist I once worked for said "eat foods that can go off and eat them before they do"


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